View Full Version : Hunting Method & gear

Johnny Reb
11-16-2011, 10:15 AM
Firearm season starts Saturday for us. I will only spend parts of the first few days in the tree stand, the rest will be stalk hunting which is my favorite way to hunt. To me stalking through the woods is very challenging and exciting. I can only sit for so long. What is your favorite way to hunt? and what will you be your weapon of choice?
Here is my gear that I will be bringing opening day: Let see some of yours:)


11-16-2011, 10:57 AM
Well our first day was the 1st of Nov. I didn't even bother to get up.. Just made sure all the gates were closed. I even had a guy run through one of my fence gates.. He uh..had to replace it..order of the game warden..LOL..or get a nice fine for trepaspass(LOL). I waited a couple of days and then went out with my little 94 and shot a young spike down it the trees at about 35-40 yds... As for a knife I used my father in laws old Uncle Henry folder. Ain't pretty but it is a Big ol knife and he always kept it sharp..So do I. Saw the local wolfies again this morning..at about 150 yds. Only had the 45 auto..darn it. I don't have any tree stands here....no trees..not big 'uns any way. I like sneakin along myself

Adam Helmer
11-16-2011, 11:52 AM
Johnny Reb,

I sit in a ground stand morning and evening and stalk the big woods in mid-day. I like the flinters: .54 Renegade or .50 Hawken in our after Christmas Traditional (flintlock) deer season.


Mr. 16 gauge
11-16-2011, 10:30 PM
Stand hunting all the way.....I'm no good at sneaking up on anything!:p I sit on my folding stool, bucket, fallen tree or whatever, usually with a big tree at my back, and just wait.......
....sometimes I fall asleep, but if you knew my work schedule, you'd realize that it isn't necessarily a bad thing. I once fell asleep to wake up to a couple of inches of wet snow that had fallen on me.
As for gear, I shoot a CVA St. Louis Hawken, .54 cal, percussion, with patched round ball. I carry a possibles bag and make some of my accoutraments myself....so far I've made a few knives and sheaths, a few ball bags, and a gun sleeve. I've also made moccasins, but I wear those at home while sitting by the fire.:D

Muzzleloading season here doesn't start until December; I'll likely go out this year for a day or two, but I have a freezer full of antelope right now. Thinking about taking my 62 cal. flintlock smoothbore this year.

11-17-2011, 09:16 AM
I'm 90% a sitter. I try to pick out several stands and move from stand to stand. I'm a clutz to stalking is basically out for me although I did manage to remember my sniper skills a couple of weeks ago and belly crawl within 20 yards of a coyote. I rolled up to shoot and she saw me ran to about 50 yards and I let go with the bow. Right I missed but it was fun.

Adam Helmer
11-18-2011, 11:27 AM

I sit more than I stalk. If the woods are wet from a recent rain or if there is some snow, I then stalk slowly in the big woods. I prefer snow because I can see if there is anything to stalk.


11-18-2011, 01:50 PM
I really like stalking myself. Learned how to do it well in dry or wet coditions. The average hunter really doesn't know how to sneak through the woods or even where to keep his eyes looking.. most look at the ground in front of their feet..