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View Full Version : Federal Carry Law

11-17-2011, 12:35 PM
What do you guys think about the Fed carry law now going through Congress? I see some plus and some minus but over all think a permit holder being allowed to carry across state lines is a plus. But we shall see how this all shakes out. It might end up being different than we think at this point. We shall see what Chuckie Cheese does with it.

11-17-2011, 11:01 PM
Well it looks good on paper..kind of a sop to us gun owners but it'll hardly make it though the Senate..and if it does..you know Nobama will veto it..

11-18-2011, 08:00 AM
Don't even think about it getting to Nobama for his signature. It will never get thru the senate. It is a good idea. I have to have 3 permits to carry in NewEngland. Mass, New Hampshire and Maine. I could be bother with Rhode Island and Conn. Its a pain.

Adam Helmer
11-18-2011, 09:01 AM

Two years ago this same legislation FAILED by 2 votes in the Senate; Arlen Specter was one of the NO votes when it failed with 58 of the needed 60 votes. The legislation was attached to a "Must Pass" bill and would have had Obama's signature.

Article IV, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution says, "Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each state to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceeings of every other State:.... " This is why your driver's license from your state is recognized in every other state you drive through on your two week vacation. Your Marrriage license, dog license and divorce decree is currently recognized in every other state, BUT not your Carry Permit! This National CCW Reciprocity Law is merely recognizing Article IV of the Constitution.


11-18-2011, 10:54 AM
Won't matter Adam..it will still be vetoed by Nobama You know..what we need is some person with gonads to carry in another state and when he goes to court use that article of the constitution as a defense.. If he had a good judge..he would have to be found innocent

11-18-2011, 11:16 AM
Skeet, in the mean time the guy wil go broke paying lawyer fees.

11-18-2011, 11:22 AM
2nd amendment foundation National Rifle associationm could back it..they have lawywers on staff.. Adam does bring up a good point..that article of the constitution is either relevant for all permits licenses etc etc or..it isn't. If not..oh boy.. Real probs in never never land I think..then we have other countries accepting these same licenses too.. World court..Ah..where would it stop?? LOL!! You do know I say some of this in jest but what Adam said..is true..in the united States..unless there is a gun involved. But i think this was taken to a court at one time in the past

Adam Helmer
11-18-2011, 02:19 PM

Article IV of the Constitution says what it means. When you drive across country on vacation you do not have to obtain a driver's license in each state you drive through. You do not need to remarry to spend a night in an out-of-state motel with your wife and if you have your dog along, Fido does not need to be relicensed in each and every state he goes through. DUH! WHAT is wrong with this picture when it comes to CCW?

Not many folks read the Constitution. Everyone should read Article IV. It says your criminal record, divorce decree and college degree go where you go, along with your state drivers license, etc. I know of no reason to accept all BUT a CCW! Buckhunter is correct, the attorney's fees would ruin a common man who takes it to court. Our Supreme Court needs to rule favorably on this issue.
