View Full Version : Handguns for Christmas gifts.

Adam Helmer
11-18-2011, 02:39 PM
I have been blessed due to the Marcellus Gas business hereabouts and have disposable income, AFTER taxes. Several good folks took my firearms training classes and are saving up money for their first gun. Some of those folk now have their first gun. No "Straw Purchases" here; I gave them the cash and let them fill out the paperwork. This is a "must do" to avoid liability if the guns are not carefully controlled in other households.

I had two nice single barrel shotguns and a .22 rifle that I gave to parents of some young folks that recently passed their mandatory Hunter Safety courses. Again, this is a CYA procedure one needs to do in this day and age, in my humble opinion.

A muzzleloader that I never use will go to a new home tomorrow. I am sure the new owners of all these firearms will never forget this Christmas. All these new gun owners vote, or will soon vote, and I suspect they will vote to keep their gun rights forever.


11-21-2011, 08:19 AM
Good man Adam.

11-21-2011, 11:50 AM
I have given all of my grandchildren (5) a 510 Remington for Christmas. Gave the son in-law an 870 in 12ga, he wanted a good pump, the son a Browning A-5 and a Ruger Security Six. That was last year. This year we have a young lady turning 9 who is eligible for her 510 this year.

I am lucky in that I have a number of grand children and two families that have raised them to shoot and hunt.

But the youth are our future and doing something to teach them early is just helping ourselves. A little 22 rifle or shotgun goes a long way in the process.

11-21-2011, 12:29 PM
Well I gave all the grandkids..whether born to us or adopted either an 870 or an 1100/1187.. Dang nab there is a bunch of 'em 8 all told..plus a one year old..who can't handle a gun yet..Wonder why?? Anyway..they ain't knowing it yet..but they will in a few days er so..and I don't even do Christmas..Nor do they.. Deer season is upon us back east.. So Thanksgiving day they get 'em and get em sighted the next day.. Yippee

Adam Helmer
11-22-2011, 07:01 PM

Ya done REAL good. I have never regretted arming very good "Pilgrims." There is lots we gun owners can do. Most sit on their duff while the rest of us "Pull on the Oars."


Skinny Shooter
11-23-2011, 06:17 AM
I have been blessed due to the Marcellus Gas business hereabouts and have disposable income, AFTER taxes. Several good folks took my firearms training classes and are saving up money for their first gun. Some of those folk now have their first gun.

Adam old buddy, best friend.
You "numba one"!
Did I ever mention how much I like the Larue OBR in 7.62?
