12-06-2011, 10:17 PM
Some years back I acquired this old Sheffield made carbon steel knife:-
The sheaf had seen much better days so I contacted leather worker of some reknown to make a replacement. Well he botched it so I had to send the knife and sheaf back and that's the last I saw of it. Seems he moved abroad and either sold or took my knife with him. It was an old Wade & Butcher "Boone"
Whilst looking around the web one day I came across this one:-
About the closest I have seen to the old "Boone" so brought it as you can see. Since the photos I have knocked the very tip of the clip point off to make it more user friendly for opening up deer.
I am thinking of sending the Sheffield maker the photos of the "Boone" and see if he can make a modified version of this new knife with some of the "Boone's" features like the drop belllied blade and straight "Vee" grind but with losing the clip point for a mild drop point. He also offers bone handle or the stacked leather as seen on mine. Of course the blade is carbon steel on these but I believe they also offer stainless.
What do you all think?
The sheaf had seen much better days so I contacted leather worker of some reknown to make a replacement. Well he botched it so I had to send the knife and sheaf back and that's the last I saw of it. Seems he moved abroad and either sold or took my knife with him. It was an old Wade & Butcher "Boone"
Whilst looking around the web one day I came across this one:-
About the closest I have seen to the old "Boone" so brought it as you can see. Since the photos I have knocked the very tip of the clip point off to make it more user friendly for opening up deer.
I am thinking of sending the Sheffield maker the photos of the "Boone" and see if he can make a modified version of this new knife with some of the "Boone's" features like the drop belllied blade and straight "Vee" grind but with losing the clip point for a mild drop point. He also offers bone handle or the stacked leather as seen on mine. Of course the blade is carbon steel on these but I believe they also offer stainless.
What do you all think?