View Full Version : Closest I could find for stolen knife

12-06-2011, 10:17 PM
Some years back I acquired this old Sheffield made carbon steel knife:-



The sheaf had seen much better days so I contacted leather worker of some reknown to make a replacement. Well he botched it so I had to send the knife and sheaf back and that's the last I saw of it. Seems he moved abroad and either sold or took my knife with him. It was an old Wade & Butcher "Boone"

Whilst looking around the web one day I came across this one:-




About the closest I have seen to the old "Boone" so brought it as you can see. Since the photos I have knocked the very tip of the clip point off to make it more user friendly for opening up deer.

I am thinking of sending the Sheffield maker the photos of the "Boone" and see if he can make a modified version of this new knife with some of the "Boone's" features like the drop belllied blade and straight "Vee" grind but with losing the clip point for a mild drop point. He also offers bone handle or the stacked leather as seen on mine. Of course the blade is carbon steel on these but I believe they also offer stainless.

What do you all think?

12-06-2011, 10:49 PM
The new one is a nice looking knife.
The Boone looks a lot like the knife Marbles gun sight company in the US sold so many of, years ago. They were good knives. Same pattern, leather washer handle, even the sheath looks similar.

12-07-2011, 05:53 AM
I believe that the "Boone" knife was aimed at the US market. The one I had belonged to a Boy Scout as his name a troop number were just about legible in ball point in the back of the sheath.

12-07-2011, 09:20 PM
it's a shame you lost the old boone, but the new knife looks like a decent blade. If you are just dead set on the features of the old blade you might even contact a blade maker. The blade style is a common one, and a decent maker can put one together for you in the manner you desire for not too much of a cost, or if you are feeling adventurous look up knifemaker supplies and build it yourself. Same thing with the sheath, find a leather supplier, patterns are available all over the internet.


12-08-2011, 01:58 PM
I ain't makin any knives. Only thing I'd do is cut myself..over and over. Actually I have a friend who is a knife maker.. No big name but decent knives. I will post a couple pics later after this trip to Cabela's today..sale stuff that I really don't need..but just gotta have.. Be nice to find one of those Boone knives. Could yo keep one if sent to you Brit hunter??