View Full Version : More ML Testing...

Adam Helmer
12-22-2011, 04:16 PM
I have a single barrel 12 gauge BBL that fits my old T/C.54 Renegade or a .50 caplock Hawken. I have been shooting it with #6 shot and 75 grains of 2F Goex. Today, I found a box of 100 .375" Roundballs in the Heap. I checked and 6 will fit in a 12 gauge plastic shot collar and weigh about an ounce. Hence, we have a 000+ Buckshot load for treks afield.

I will test in a few days after a gun-shy dog leaves this household.


12-23-2011, 08:51 AM
Adam,-You need a hobby :). So many project with so little time.

Adam Helmer
12-23-2011, 01:34 PM

Merry Christmas to you and your's. You make me laugh. You are correct, "I need a hobby." Here on the farm I check a few things everyday. I never know which item will fill up the rest of the day. I like taking Lori dawg to the shooting bench because she likes guns and shooting. Lori is my "Range Officer" and my constant companion on treks afield.


Johnny Reb
12-24-2011, 03:24 PM
Let us know how the testing goes with your T/C shotgun

Adam Helmer
12-24-2011, 05:46 PM
Johnny Reb,

It was too cold today to trot out the muzzleloaders. In a day or two, I will check out the MLs and the 000+ buckshot loads. It MUST be better than 1.125 ounces of #6 shot on a BIG Bear! Tioga County is the #1 Bear County in PA. My .375" Balls gotta be a nice close in Bear Load?


Adam Helmer
01-11-2012, 06:48 PM
Johnny Reb,

Last Saturday it was 59 degrees and sunny and the gun-shy dog was not on establishment. The dog belongs to the contractor building my two-car garage next to the house. The 28' X 32' building will have an upstairs with 8-foot ceiling and the room 16' X 32' will have a window looking West so I can shoot off my shooting bench to the far target butts. Ah, but I digress.

At 35 yards on an IDPA silhouette target, I shot 75 grains RS Pyrodex, a red WW plastic wad, 6, .375 balls and a .375 felt top wad. All 6 balls hit the silhouette with mortal wounds. I then tested 75 RS Pyro, a green R-P 12 gauge 1 1/4 oz wad , 6 balls and a .375 felt top wad. Four balls hit the silhouette. I then tested 75 RS Pyro, .375 felt wad, 6 balls and .375 felt wad. Three balls hit the silhouette target. I have settled on the red WW plastic wad and felt top wad. Those six 81 grain balls equals 486 grains, which is a little over an ounce at 435 grains. Adding a 7th ball would be about one and one-fourth ounces and even more lethal. More tests to follow. I will soon have my Christmas gift RCBS chronograph set up so I will be able to calculate muzzle velocity and muzzle energy.

So many projects and SOOO little time.


Johnny Reb
01-12-2012, 07:23 PM

Those are the kind of projects I enjoy most.:) Working up loads in a muzzleloading shot guns and rifles can be tedious, but someone has to do it.:D
How's the recoil using them loads? I have been looking at a used 62 cal smoothbore green mountain barrel for my t/c renegade, their asking $250.00 for it. Seems kind of high, I think I paid that for my renegade.

Adam Helmer
01-13-2012, 01:10 PM
Johnny Reb,

I am always working on projects here on the farm. I write up my FIRE ORDER LIST and then line up arms and compomnents/ammo to do the do. The recoil with 6 .375 balls and 75 grains of RS Pyro was not much.
