View Full Version : Buying Used Shotguns

Gil Martin
01-15-2012, 07:11 AM
In these tight economic times. shopping the used gun racks seems more appropriate than ever. The gun shops that I visit have a lot of excellent used shotguns at very reasonable prices. I have found J.C. Higgins pump shotguns (really a High Standard Model 20) in 12 gauge for $80 to $120. Used Browning Citori over/unders in mint condition can be bought for $500. Probably the best deals are used Remington 870 Wingmaster pump shotguns for much less than a new Remington Express model. My personal favorites are the Ithaca Model 37 pump shotguns. I will never buy a new shotgun again. All the best..

01-15-2012, 07:33 AM
The J.C. Higgins I picked up last fall is the same model as yours, this one has a compensator and a poly-choke. But the same model I picked up 2 years ago did not have anything on the barrel.

Joe Boleo
01-15-2012, 08:55 AM
I always shop the used gun racks and there are a ton of bargains at the places I visit. Take care...

Adam Helmer
01-15-2012, 04:58 PM
Gil & Joe,

Being fellow Pennsylvanians, WHY do you folks want more nice shotguns? WHAT is there to hunt in Small Game Season in PA? I have NOT seen a Small Game hiunter afield in the last FOUR years in PA.

The Glory Days of PA Small Game Hunting of the 1950s and 1960s have gone the way of
the passsenger pidgeon and the pheasant. I still admire nice shotguns and just got a Model 25 Winchester that harks BACK to days of yore.... Taking it afield today in PA is merely a walk in the woods. We no longer have a viable small game season in PA. What do you hunt these days?


Joe Boleo
01-15-2012, 06:38 PM
I buy excellent used shotguns because they are cheap, fun to clean up and go up in value. Not like some stocks and bonds that I bought in recent years. I go pheasant hunting several times a year and a shotgun is required. True, I probably have more shotguns than I need or could ever use, but I will leave them to those who will appreciate them and remember me. Take care...

01-16-2012, 02:51 PM

You are seeing better prices in PA than I am in Missouri. I haven't seen a nice Citori priced under $850. Local 870's and Ithaca 37's are higher her.

I hope the price reductions are contaigous....

Despite the semi-drought, we had decent hunting this fall in the midwest. Maybe people are keeping their shotguns?


Gil Martin
01-16-2012, 03:32 PM
We are blessed with a lot of decent gun shops around here and competition is a good thing. Most of the shops that I visit are very selective about what they take in trade. Cash is king and nearly all of them give discounts. We have a large Cabela's right down the road, but they have not hurt the local gun shops. Mostly because Cabela's charges very high prices for their used guns. All the best...

Joe Boleo
01-28-2012, 01:37 PM
The latest Field & Stream magazine has an article on this very topic. The writer lists many quality used shotguns like the Browning Auto 5 semi-auto and Citori as real bargains. He goes on to list the Remington 870 Wingmaster and the ithaca Model 37 pump shotguns. Surprisingly, he did not mention the Remington Model 1100 which I have and use a lot. Take care...

Adam Helmer
01-28-2012, 03:46 PM
Gil & Joe,

As you folks state, I also like quality shotguns. I am always on the lookout for nice doubles and O/U guns. We have very few local small game hunters hereabouts, so any nice shotguns come from estate sales. I have picked up a few lately and all were in Very Good+ condition. A fellow has to spend that gas money somehow, eh, wot?
