View Full Version : 45 ACP Brass New primer size and sorting of head stamps!

01-15-2012, 08:42 AM
Hi Everyone!
This may be old news, but I bought a few boxes
of Federal 45 ACP 230gr FMJ for target shooting and mainly
to get some extra Brass to reload with and found they are
now using small pistol primers in them. I have reloaded
some and have had no problem with them , you just have
to keep them sorted out . Has anyone found that keeping
the brass selectively seperated by headstamp name makes
any difference in accuracy or dependability. I do this maybe
because I am a bit picky about ny reloads , but a friend of
mine says it makes no difference at all he reloads all brands
of brass mixed together and it makes no difference in shooting.

Opinions wanted on this.
Thanks 6.5 ;):)

Adam Helmer
01-15-2012, 05:44 PM

YES, different brass DOES make a difference! If your friend is a World Class shooter, then adhere to his advice about mixing brass. What was his LAST World Class Shooting Title? I separate all my brass; both rifle and pistol. I have been to Camp Perry twice, so I guess I know what matters.


01-15-2012, 07:37 PM
Well Adam is right when it comes to target shooting..and I also sort my rifle brass. I also mark it for times fired. More than 5 times and it gets used for new loads that I am trying out. Handgun?? Unless you are shooting in matches that matter there is not much of a reason to sort it...except for the high intensity rounds..which does include 357 41 mag 44 mag or any round that you are pushing to it's limits I do make certain all my brass is trimmed to the same length. I also try to keep a check on times fired. I usually don't push any of my loads to the max..especially in handguns.. and my carry ammo in the 45 is factory loads..as is my bear loads. If something happens with bad guys or bears..I wanna have an entity to SUE....or my wife to be able to...LOL

01-17-2012, 07:45 AM
Always keep your brass sorted by manufacture. As far as the small primer size, I ran into this 2 or 3 years ago when I ordered bulk brass and got 1000 of small primer pockets but only had LP primers. Even ran them across a chrony and could not tell any difference at all compared to the LP ammo.

01-25-2012, 02:42 PM
Regarding the issue of small primer pockets in .45 ACP brass, this is a big beef of mine. First and foremost, I personally think doing this is stupid at best and dangerous at worst: you don't notice this when you are decapping these cases but you may be in for a big and violent surprise when you go to recap them with larger primers.

This (at least to me) questionable practice makes sorting and checking your fired cases even more important. Certainly we can all recap the affected cases with small primers, but why should it even be necessary in the first place? Like the others, I have always sorted and separated my cases anyway and keep those of the same brand together and always note the number of times each group has been fired.