View Full Version : I am a pusher for classic .22 rifles

Gil Martin
01-21-2012, 09:11 AM
I was in a gun shop wasting time and scanning the used gun racks. There was a mint condition Winchester Model 69A .22 bolt action with open sights. I picked it up and approached a clerk to set it back on layaway. Other customers were attracted like predators and wanted to examine the jewel in my hand. There was no way they were ever going to sweat on this prize. I will pick it up next week. I hate it when that happens. All the best...

01-21-2012, 09:12 AM
A 69A was my first rifle. That one killed around a bazillion woodchucks. I still have it.
Nice find, Gil.

01-21-2012, 12:24 PM
My first 22 also.Still have it. I can state with certainty I killed more than 10,000 rats at our local dump all those years ago. Still shoots good and looks ok too Wish I could mount a scope on the ol thing..but not grooved and I'm not gonna drill it. I also have a really nice Win 67..refinished but in exc condition..Probably won't sell it either..

Joe Boleo
01-27-2012, 05:36 PM
It is a good thing that I did not see that rifle before you did. Take care...

01-27-2012, 10:23 PM
Skeet, yer giving away your age! :)
These days, they poison dumps and landfills to kill the rats.
I'll tell you, a pocket full of 22 shorts, and fresh batteries in the flashlight, shooting rats at the dump was a ton of fun!
Hmmm, guess I gave away my age, too. . . .

02-03-2012, 09:47 AM
Those 60 series rifles are nice guns and they are getting harder and harder to find at local shops. I do most of my treasure hunting at shows anymore and it has been years since I ran across a decent 22 at a local shop.

PS: Spent many, many days going from dump to town dump shooting rats with my 512 Remington. Younger folks today are missing a great adventure and way to spend days looking across a ravine for rats amidst the can tunnels.