View Full Version : Dead of Winter= Easy Concealment...

Adam Helmer
02-07-2012, 07:57 PM
Here in Northcentral PA, February is akin to WINTER. Everybody wears parkas, heavy coats, etc. Any CCW person could carrry a M1873 Peacemaker and no Walmart checker would "Make" the CCW person. Ok, we have the Concealed portion of CCW well covered. My question is: How many WINTER CCW folks have gone to the range and worked out their CCW DRAW and FIRE Scenario? WHAT????

Yes, a big and heavy coat covers much. While it covers your CCW gun, can you access your CCW gun in gravest extreme??? I suggest you practice and be well informed.


02-08-2012, 09:02 AM
Not I - We are not allowed to practice drawing at my club.

02-09-2012, 04:27 PM
not only do i practice, but my go to coat has a about 6 dollars worth of quarters in the right pocket so if i swing it out of the way it really gets out of the way.

Adam Helmer
02-10-2012, 04:44 PM

I am sorry your club prohibits DRAWING from the holster. I belonged to a MASS gun club many years ago where the RULES said: "Only 5 rounds in all firearms on the firing line; revolvers, semi-auto pistols and rifles."

At the next Club Meeting, I asked why 5 rounds in a revolver were safer than six when the line was "hot" and all guns were pointed down range. Further, how could a person function-test a Garand with the 5-round rule. The MASSholes NEVER could explain the rationale for the RULES. I cashed in my CDs and drew out my stock account and bought a 60-acre farm in PA where I shoot what I desire, when I desire and I draw all the time!
