View Full Version : It is a Toss UP: the .44Mag or .41 Magnum.

Adam Helmer
02-13-2012, 04:33 PM
A month ago I got a nice cowboy SA revolver rig that accomodates both the 6-inch .41M Ruger SA and the 7.5 inch .44 Super Blackhawk Ruger. On alternate days, I carry both handguns on my treks afield with loyal Hund. After we leave the farm, we have another 969 acres of woods to trek over.

I like the .41 Magnum very much. In the .44 Mag, I load .44 Special handloads with a nice dose of 2400. Maybe next Christmas, I should order out a double handgun holster set so I can tote BOTH favorite SA handguns afield.

In any case, I am sure glad I live in the most rural of Pennsylvania's 67 counties. We have more cows than people at last census-what is not to like?


02-13-2012, 05:01 PM
Order that double holster. :D

Adam Helmer
02-13-2012, 05:04 PM

10-4! WILL CO!


02-14-2012, 08:10 AM
Well Adam...Like you I also have a Ruger 41 and a 44 mag..but I just bought a remake of the Ruger Flattop in 44 special. for me the 44 mag is just too long at 7 1/2 inches for comfortable carry so both the 41 and 44 spec are 4 5/8 inch guns. Both shoot superbly...well... as well as I can shoot a handgun anyway. Ain't it great living where ther aren't a lot of people?? The county I live in has 5 times more cows than people...heck the whole state probably has 5 times more cows than people LOL!! and this is a very large state

02-14-2012, 08:16 AM
In the mean time you could use a large revolver shoulder rig under your jacket. I wore the shoulder rig for years, hunting with my single shot handguns, as the position for my backup gun. It gives one a sense of comfort knowing a 44 Black Hawk with stout loads is just a hand move away when hunting hogs on the ground.:)

02-19-2012, 07:23 PM
I like my Ruger SA 44mag. with its 5" barrel, rounded trigger guard, and fluted cylinder. It is a great carry gun and very accurate , my 357 and 32 H&R mag both have the 4 5/8ths barrels. I prefer the shorter barrels on my SAs, like the ease of carry and they are accurate to 50 yds. That is all I require from my handguns, farther out and will use a rifle. Also have rifles in 44 and 357 mags.

02-19-2012, 10:24 PM
PC..I am thinking about a revolver in 327 Federal. What do you think of the 32 H&R mag?? fun to shoot? useable on small game?

02-20-2012, 07:52 PM
I really like it in the Ruger SA, quite accurate and easy to carry when bird hunting. It will handle most chores for me from small game with wcs to larger cannines with jhps. I think it is a very nice sa as Ruger saw fit to make it on the .22 SA frame. I did add a set of fiber optic sights to it as it makes for a faster sight picture for my old eyes.

02-20-2012, 09:11 PM
Well they no longer make a 32 H&R Mag but they do make the 327 Federal but it is in stainless only unhappily.. I really do not like stainless guns..but may have to get one in a 4 5/8 inch..I can then shoot the 327 Fed 32 H&R mag and 32 long and short.. That would be a yippee I think...Gonna get me one of them for certain..

02-24-2012, 05:38 AM
I also like the old Rugers. Mine are all 3 screws and if I`m packing one it is usually the 44 mag., but I pack mostly full house loads. As for packing 2 of them, it does not make sence to me. If you want the extra weight, leave the second gun home and pack more ammo. ;)

03-03-2012, 10:00 AM
I like the .44 Spl. and magnum cartridges. My pet load for the Spl. is 7.5 gr. of Unique and the Lyman #429241 bullet, Elmer's baby. ;) very accurate in an S&W 624. I have several variations of the Ruger Super Blackhawk including one with a 4 5/8" barrel and the grip is from a standard Blackhawk rather than the longer Super "B" grip handle. fairly nice to carry but loud as hell and kicks like a mule with that smaller grip. I'm thining of chasing down a Bisley grip fpr the gun. I have a 7.5" Bisley in .44 mag. and it's a lot more comfortable to shoot. I also have a Ruger Bisley with 5.5" barrel in Colt .45 that I use John Linebaugh type loads in it and they're fairly comfortable as well. I'm talking 255 gr. SWC bullets at close to 1300 FPS and they do smack with authority. I have run 300 gr. bullets at 1200 FPS from that gun but I'd have to have a taller front sight installed if I were to make a habit of using those bullets. Think about that though. A 300 gr. bullet at 1200 FPS is pushing might cclose to the old 45-60 black powder round. According to Linebaugh's data, I probably could pick up another 100 FPS without too much strain. That should put the quietus to any hog I decide to ventilate. ;):D:D
Paul B.