View Full Version : Gun shops are really busy around here

Joe Boleo
04-08-2012, 07:21 AM
Every gun shop that I visit is selling guns and ammo with a passion. The used gun racks are nearly empty. The gun shop employees say they have been so busy that can hardly believe it. On the plus side, there seems to be plenty of ammo and reloading components. The inventory of firearms is going down. I suspect before long we will see some backorders and waiting lists. I have no idea where folks are getting the money to do all this buying in a down economy. Are you good folks seeing the same things in your area? Take care...

04-08-2012, 12:43 PM
I've been too busy to get out to any gun shops lately. :( I do have to get some components to load up some ammo for an elk hunt later this year. methinks maybe I'd best get the lead out and git-R-done before everything is all gone. :eek: I wonder if it's because people are scared of the upcoming election results? With the so called "polls" saying 51 percent of women going for out "Dear Leader", that does bode evil in my eyes. :mad: Seems like I remember another poll a few years back where a bunch of soccer moms said they voted for "Slick Willie" because, "He was cute." :eek::eek::eek: Major qualification for President in womem's eyes, he must be cute. :rolleyes:
As eveil a man as Adolph Hitler was, one thing he said sticks in my mind. "What good fortune for government that the people do not think." He did hit the nail on the head with that one.
If you study history at all, look at some of the parallels bewteen Hitler and our "Dear Leader" sometime. Both literally came out of nowhere. No credentials, Hitler sends the Eriechstag home saying he didn't nned them anymore while Dear Leader just ignores Congress and the Conststution by using executive orders and hiring Czars to do end runs around the Constitution. Yet the House sits on their hands ignoring what he's doing rather than impeaching him. I woud thnk that although the Democrats are the Majority in the Senate, even they wouldn't have the gut to give him a pass should it come to a trial considering how blatently "Dear Leader" has been operating. What's missing in this picture? :confused:
Paul B.

04-08-2012, 01:27 PM
Joe and Paul..
The gun shops here are also busy..but inventory is still up a bit. i sell some reloading supplies and can say that primers and powder are certainly selling. I have sold almost my whole supply of primers..less what I want to keep for my own loading. The price of primers has gone up a bit too Powder is still about what it was 6 months ago.

I really do believe the election is driving the selling. When I sell 100 thousand primers in less than 3 weeks..well something is up. Looks to me that Nobama is gonna win...again as the fix is in..Romney looks about like McCain in the last election. No attacks on fearless leader... just on the other Repubs..What is worse than the coming election is what I see happening to the very foundations of this country and the Constitution. Bad times are a comin...and though I don't feel the Republicans are our friends either..they are less hostile to the American people than Fearless Leader and his followers. Never thought of the parallels concerning Nobama and Hitler...But you are right Paul..a lot of coincidences huh??...Well as they say..once is hapenstance twice is coincidence..three times is enemy action...and with the actions of Nobama and his party..it seems they are the enemy of this country more so than supporters of it..Sad state of affairs!! I hope I am wrong...

04-09-2012, 10:34 AM
The next 5 years are sure going to be interesting. We no longer are a democracy we were 20 years ago, We are not moving but running toward socialism. I've been saying for a long time that its only a matter of time before what happened in Eqypt will happen here. No longer can we the citizens of this once great country stand by and let this happen.

Adam Helmer
04-09-2012, 02:11 PM

Today I cashed my Social Security check and went to the local gun shop for a few Bricks of CCI primers, some powder and am Bunkered Down because the CHIMPANZEE WILL be reelected by all the Welfare Recipients, Food Stamp beneficiaries and all the other low lifes slurping at the Public Trough.

I am glad to reside in the most rural of PA's 67 counties. I reckon I still have a chance, for a while.... Buckhunter, you got it right: We are NO LONGER the Democracy I learned about in Civics Class in 1962!!!!


Gil Martin
04-09-2012, 04:44 PM
The gun shops that I visit are hiring additional staff to handle the current volume of business. I have seen more women buying guns; mostly handguns and a some shotguns. Get what you need now because I believe this situation will continue until we see what our future holds for us. All the best...

04-10-2012, 01:38 PM
This is the same story from all over the country. Ruger just stopped taking any more new orders as they are so far behind in production that they just had to stop to catch up. This was on the industry news in the last week or two.

Obama should be a gun salesman. Everyone is figuring he will slip the restraints if reelected and go nuts with his Executive Orders. What will happen then?

The House can impeach Obama but and here lies the rub, he is tried in the Senate and unless we get shed of a bunch of democrat Senators we will be stuck with what we have right now. If he is reelected we need a dozen or more Senators gone. So we can elect another President or another bunch in the Senate but...... if Bozo is reelected and the Senate stays the same we will be in a world of caca.

Here in FL we now have Connie Mack a Republican Congressman (at last) running against Bill Nelson, the democrat's drum beater. Connie Mack is from South Florida and has a very good chance to send Nelson packing. So guys, get involved, this election is important.