View Full Version : Anybody heard from Mr. 16 gauge?

Adam Helmer
04-13-2012, 06:07 PM
I look into these posts everyday and noticed we have not heard recently from Mr. 16 gauge. Does anyone have any input about his whereabouts or condition?


04-15-2012, 02:30 PM
From reading his last post I think he might have quit Hunt Chat, here is his last thread http://www.huntchat.com/showthread.php?t=50258

Adam Helmer
04-15-2012, 02:44 PM

Thank you for the Archieved update; that was last December. I feel it is a loss to not have Mr. 16 gauge on board.


04-15-2012, 08:54 PM
I agree whole heartily with you Adam, a big loss. Really too bad.

04-16-2012, 04:32 PM
I am sorry to see him gone if its true

04-16-2012, 07:15 PM
I saw a thread started by him on Michigan-Sportsman this morning.

I did not see the thread that P&H posted so did not know he had a problem with things till now.

04-17-2012, 10:15 AM
Actually I disagree about it being a big loss. Don't get me wrong I like Mr 16 Gauge, BUT if any member cannot have a civil discussion with another member or moderator and can't just agree to disagree then there is IMHO no place for them on a family board with alot of good people on it.

He effectively got bent out of shape because he shoots a traditional blackpowder rifle and a moderator suggested that an inline was an improvement over a traditional rifle (which it is) Instead of pointing out that traditional rifles still have a place in the world, or pointing out that traditional rifles are still fine hunting weapons (which they are) He threw what equates to a three year old's tantrum, took his ball, and went home.

Would I like to have him back? If he can mature a bit then yes, he always had some very interesting views and I enjoyed our conversations, but I was stunned at the way he stomped off.

My 2 Cents.


04-17-2012, 05:29 PM
Well said!! I totally agree. You said what I was thinking when I read the post back in December. Skeet sure can stir the pot:D:D Just kidding, Skeet.

04-17-2012, 08:19 PM
I do have to say it is real easy to have the written word misunderstood i have started arguments and it was not what i intednded here.
Becouse my spelling is not good at its best i tend to make short cuts.

04-18-2012, 09:41 AM
while I do agree it is easy to misunderstand tone in written communication rereading his post from back when again this morning there isn't much to misinturpret there.


04-18-2012, 06:13 PM
I agree with you GOB.

04-20-2012, 05:45 PM
Well Good ol Boy, I can take the arguement even further then, the centerfire rifle bade both obsolete. I'm a traditional muzzleloader, that's my choice and have a little experence with them, little over 50 yrs. If the traditionals were outlawed I'd quit ml hunting. There are different philophicies and to each his own, but some of have enough knowledge and history of front stuffers that we don't need more advice. Please note my favorite mlers are flinters. Also this site was a separate posting for muzzle loaders of each type. Really too bad we can't have one for Single Shot Rifles.

04-21-2012, 12:33 PM
Here in Pa, you were able to use flintlock in regular rifle season if you wanted. They do still have flintlock only seasons throughout the state but it overlaps with special regulation areas such as Allegheny Co. or the 2B zone. You not need wear orange if after Christmas season however you need to be aware of where you are because you will have rifle hunting in 2B along with you. So we wear the orange to be safe. It boils down to all the seasons we do have and I think they do a pretty good job of giving us a lot of hunting in Pa. You can even carry your bow in regular rifle season if that is the tool of choice... I run into people using rifle, others flintlock others inline others bow all in the same area, same day..so everyone gets to have a good time. I do however have a hard time with those that think I should not do something just because they prefer not to...such as drinking or smoking or even when they pass a patition to close a bar or something..I am more afraid of those people than those that mind their own buss..if you don't want to partake, dont..but don't tell me I can't.....if that is what you want to do, no skin off my back. Would be a strange world if everyone thought the same or did the same or looked the same...and having been in charge of organizations with lots of people, it is hard to please everyone all the time..without a little rain now and then, we would never appreciate the sunshine.

04-21-2012, 03:33 PM
Years ago when Wis. was looking at having ML season I contacted the Chief Game Protector as they were known then why flinters only. His reply was if they allowed cap locks too they would have 50,000 Ohio muzzle stuffers hunting in Penn. By only allowing flinters only had a few thousand Ohio hunters.

Adam Helmer
04-22-2012, 03:54 PM

I have heard the argument "that since I load my Inline from the front end, it is a Muzzleloader JUST LIKE a flintlock." LOL! I own flinters, caplocks and two inlines that use 209 shotgun primers. I will agree, ALL my muzzleloaders load from the front end, but that is where the similarity ends!

If anyone thinks a bolt action inline using 209 primers is THE SAME as using a .50 caliber Hawken Flintlock in the RAIN, I would say they NEVER used a flinter in the rain. My 209 inlines ALWAYS fire in the rain, not so the flinters. The DIFFERENCE is the Ignition System. There is a big difference. That is why the soldiers in the Civil War used caplocks and none went back to Flintlocks. The DIFFERENCE IS IN THE IGNITION System! If there were no differences, Everyone would use Flintlocks, Right?


04-22-2012, 11:11 PM
Just gettin back from a trip back east visitin the docs.. After Mr 16 got all fired up at me I gave a bit of time and tried contacting him..to no avail. very argumentative at times but i did like some of his posts. Everybody has a lot to offer on HC...

Adam ..You are very correct about ignition systems. Flinters are not near as reliable as percussion.. I had a well loaded T-C Hawken loaded for over a year once Shot just fine when I unloaded her before deer season next. Was in my little bathroom in my shop the whole time. I doubt a flinter woulda done that. But I wouldn't have kept it loaded. Speaking of caplocks..I was at one of my reloading suppliers and amazingly he had 2 full pallets and a bit more of percussion caps..New stock too. I didn't know they were still being used like that..Thunk the 209s have kinda misplaced 'em. They were CCIs though..probably the best of the bunch..I liked RWS too. I got a thousand of them not long ago in a box of stuff at a tool auction. Gave 'em to a guy who shoots a front stuffer double shotgun. He shoots a round of skeet with it from time to time and does very well

Skinny Shooter
04-23-2012, 09:31 AM
A wise old indian once told me, "there ain't no nipples on a man's gun..." :D

04-23-2012, 10:56 AM
Skinny, love that quote!

Mr. 16 gauge
06-20-2012, 12:35 AM
Guess the record needs to be set straight.....

I did not "take my ball and go home" because of a disagreement....I left because I was insulted by a moderator. The forum is called "traditional muzzleloaders" for a reason, and there is a reason for it being separated from the "in line" muzzleloading forum. Moreover, there was a certain individual (Rattus58) that was BANNED from here for doing the exact same thing as skeet, but I guess when your a moderator, you're above the rules and can insult anyone you want without apology.... and he can say he attempted to contact me, but that's a sham; I left my email & P.M. on for quite some time afterward before I discontinued it, and heard NOTHING from anybody.
Good Old Boy: You really ought to change your signatures....someone might mistake you for a Christian. You claimed to be a friend, but I guess you can't judge character off of a website after all.
Popplecop, Adam, Wrenchman, and the rest that gave me support: I thank you for your concern and appreciate our conversations of the past. I would have liked to fill you in on my new (used) .338 Win. mag, my quail I hatched out this year, my new canoe, ect, ect, but I won't be a member of a site where the rules do not apply to everyone, and where one person can insult other with impunity and get away with it. Life is too short, and it's just the internet.
I wish you the best of luck with all your future endeavors.

06-20-2012, 01:42 AM
Well Mr 16.. Since you feel I insulted you..I guess I will have to apologize and in point of fact.... There was no insult intended.. not such as the intended insult you threw out at GOB.I guess it was intended but I guess you can't judge character off of a website after all. You are right ..it is just the internet.. Now if you say I didn't attempt to contact you..well I guess I am a liar too but I guess you didn't intend to say that. And as you said..it is just the internet. I do have to say one thing before I let you continue on your merry way...wherever that may take you. You can be one of the most argumentative people that frequent HC ( I can be too at times) . Does that mean you are not welcome..Get real..Of course not!! You as well as the other posters on HC had and have good and useful things to say. So..tell ya what Bud. iT'S JUST THE INTERNET..What you read ionto something may not have been what was intended. I know I never intended to insult you or anyone else. I think I have the right to my opinion as do you. After this much time..the best I can say is get over it. That said, I can surely leave here as easily as you can. Before I take my marbles and run..LOL.. I must apologize to the other members of HC and the moderators and to Petey for insulting your sensibilities? and their time on Huntchat reading our tirades at one another....even if I don't really know and at this point care what those tirades were REALLY about. or if they were truly tirades. BY the way..Do you really KNOW if and why Rattus may have been banned?? I doubt it very much.. Good night.. It's time fer bed..

06-20-2012, 08:18 AM
You sir are not a very good judge of character, and you sure can't judge if someone is a Christian or not. GoodOlBoy is my son and I can tell you he is a Christian. He was raised that way, by me my father and my father's father.

What I've come to find, in my personal life, is that its best not to place judgment on someone else, as to their character. But since you put it so sincerely, let me say this. The people who begin to question if someone is a Christian or not are generally ignorant of the meaning of the word.

If this insults your frame of mine tough. I deam you to be one of the most blissful people I've ever read on "Just the Internet".

Proud Father of GoodOlBoy

06-20-2012, 09:19 AM
Mr 16, dunno if you will read this or not, and frankly it doesn't matter much to me. Yes I am a Christian, and I stand behind my post. I am also a friend. But my friends understand that I have little use for tantrums no matter what age the person is, and I have less use for people who take everything as a personal slight. You threw a fit, acted like a toddler and left. If that statement of fact makes us not friends then so be it. I still hope someday somebody can lead you to the Lord.


Mr. 16 gauge
06-20-2012, 09:36 AM
well I guess I am a liar too but I guess you didn't intend to say that.

Again, for the record: YOUR words, not mine!

You can be one of the most argumentative people that frequent HC ( I can be too at times)

Argumentative? perhaps....but I never went out of my way to be insulting, and when someone felt they had been insulted, I did apologize, either publicly or in the thread......after I told you I had been insulted, you just continued on to tell me how 'divisive' I was and how I was hurting the hunting world, blah, blah, blah.....so I find it difficult to believe it when you say "you never meant to insult anyone", because you just continued on. You need to go back and view the original thread in question, and remember that your status as a moderator puts you in a different light than someone who is just an "ordinary" member.

BY the way..Do you really KNOW if and why Rattus may have been banned??
I only know what I've read......if there is more to it than that, then so be it, but there is (was) a post in the traditional muzzleloading section that allude to that as being the reason.

You sir are not a very good judge of character, and you sure can't judge if someone is a Christian or not.

Yes, you are right....I am not a good judge of character....because I considered your son a decent friend until I saw his post and felt stabbed in the back. As for being a Christian, actions speak louder than words....IMHO, his post was not that of a Christian. If he would have taken the time to reread the post in question, he might have seen the real reason I was so upset.....but since he is good buddies with Skeet, I guess that just give license to say what he said.

What I've come to find, in my personal life, is that its best not to place judgment on someone else, as to their character.

I never said anything about his character....I just said that his actions were not that of what I have been told a Christian is. I'm sure he is a fine husband, father, upstanding man in his church and community.....but he is dead wrong when it comes to his assessment as to what transpired on that thread. I would have thought that someone who touts themselves as a Christian might be a little more understanding, and (especially), a little more forgiving.

Ya'll can have the last word(s) now................I'm done.:)

06-20-2012, 10:50 AM
Oh I am forgiving. I didn't throw a fit and leave in a huff. I hung around. And if you ever decide to come back I am good with that too.


06-20-2012, 10:50 AM
GOB.. Sorry you have to deal with someone who questions your ethics in life..for something he percieves I have done to him. But as he said..it is just the internet and perceptions are not always right. Surprising that he comes back after all this tinme to ARGUE such a moot point. As far as answering such a personality. I won't..he can call me a liar he can do his worst to me. Couldn't care less at this point. The slights done him are only foremost in his tiny little mind..so please don't answer the tiny little things that come out of it. It realy isn't worth it. BP..it really isn't worth the aggravation. Hopefully from this point you can let it go too. No matter what you say or do..the guy just wants an argument.. Best not to give him one. There are other venues to pursue. I won't read his drivel and won't answer it..I hope he continues to post on HC..But I sure do wish he would get that BIG Chip off his shoulder. As for me..I don't lie..I don't cheat And I try not to have discussions with fools or idiots as it only puts you on their level..and I don't think I have to go that low. Y'all have a good one. Don't let anything get yer goat..And GOB..Let me know by email what you have for components for the 20(my favorite gauge)..I do have quite a bit of loading data going clear back to Dupont Bulk Smokeless. Otherwise I am gone

06-20-2012, 11:00 AM
Oops sorry Skeet I forgot in all of the hullaballu with the doctors and such. I will try to get the information tonight, don't think I have just alot of powder left for shotgun but I will see what I do have.

As for somebody who questions my ethics, I wouldn't be much of a Christian if it bothered me, but as a Christian I can't just let it go completely unanswered either. There are those who haven't made the decision yet who need to know that Christians can stand our ground without hate, without anger, and without malice. And in your defense in all the years I have known you I have never known you to lie, or cheat. You find some good deals though, will give you credit for that.

Anyway I am good, no skin offa my nose, etc.


Adam Helmer
06-20-2012, 04:18 PM
Good Old Boy and skeet,

Let me say, "Blessed are the Peace Makers." You both did all you could to "forgive and forget", and to "Turn the Other Cheek." I graduated from Seminary in May 2008 and I cannot see what more could be expected from you gentlemen. May the Lord be with you.
