View Full Version : Firearm negligence

05-09-2012, 06:36 AM

can we learn anything here? I can't believe some of this is real but on the other hand...

05-09-2012, 12:04 PM
The bad part about the video is that I see an awful lot of improper instruction and "funny" BS with kids and the ladies, both of which makes me want to butt stroke the moron who thought such was funny to start with. It would take me just the time to get to them, were they on my range, before I started chewing big chunks of cheeks off. I would not put up with that form of humor for a second. Stupid hurts when a firearm is involved.

Now the failure to properly reassemble the Ma-Duce after cleaning is indeed funny, that is what that was about. Why is it funny? Because as an old armorer, I bet you a dollar that an old Sargent was standing there just waiting for the *NG to push the trigger. Looks like a long time in the mess hall scrubbing pots and pans is in that young troop's future. :D

05-09-2012, 12:26 PM
ok on the first clip I have to disagree, it was not "finger on the trigger" negligence, it was giving a loaded gun to a kid. Second clip is a idiot who pulled the mag but forgot there was one in the pipe, and yeah he had his finger on the trigger. Third, guy with a loaded gun with safety off walking. We can assume his finger was on the trigger, but if the gun had been set for a ultralight target trigger pull then it could have just gone off from his impact on the ground. Fourth clip, a bunch of idiots think it is funny to give a loaded gun to somebody with NO training. Fifth clip, a person who doesn't need to be a LEO pulls the trigger by "accident" another note on this clip. Turns out is was the wrong guy not the bank robber they were looking for. Sixth clip..... no idea the jackwagon with the timer is in the way of the camera, but it looks like a weapon malf/jam and while clearing the guy had his finger on the trigger when the bolt returned to battery. Seventh clip kid with little or no training shooting. He lowers the gun (to his crotch no less) to lever/pump another round in and has his finger on the trigger. Eighth clip, guy on a practice range working on target drills. He is so concentrated on the target it appears he flinches involuntarily and pulls the trigger while the gun is lowered. Ninth clip. Pointing a gun at a target you don't intend to shoot with your finger on the trigger. IE Moron. Tenth clip has nothing to do with unfamiliarity it has to do with the moronic practice that dads/boyfriends sometimes have of giving the biggest magnum you can to a girl then not giving her proper instruction. Her elbows, wrists, arms are locked and there is an idiot behind her pushing on her shoulders. Of course the recoil has nowhere to go. Loosen up those arms a bit, get the guy out from behind her, and teach her how to roll with the recoil. Eleventh clip. Boy with large caliber levergun. Wrong stance, boy wasn't holding it solid against his shoulder because he knew it was going to have a big recoil. This caused loss of control while the adults giggled like the idiots they are. Twelfth clip. Pseudo tactical moron tries to sight down the top of a pistol grip shotgun with his face right at the rear of the weapon. Thirteenth clip. See earlier clip comments about boyfriends and dads giving a magnum to a girl with no training. Fourteenth clip. magnum firearm + moron with no proper grip or stance. Fifteenth clip. Magnum firearm. Again poor grip, wrists, arms, and shoulders locked. Where is all that recoil going to go? Sixteenth clip. Again see earlier clip comments about boyfriends and dads giving a magnum to a girl with no training. Seventh clip. Overbore mega magnum 577 trex. You get what you deserve for putting this to your shoulder and pulling the trigger. Eighteenth clip. Yet again again again see earlier comments about boyfriends and dads giving a magnum to a girl/woman with no training or instruction. Nineteenth clip. Girl/woman + squating + no instruction + poor hold + large caliber/bore/gauge = falling over. Twentieth clip. See nineteenth clip comments. Twenty-first clip. See comments about girl + male figure + large caliber + no training. Twenty-second clip..... You are either trained to maintenance the weapon or you aren't. Twenty-third clip. Scope eye. See cheap scope = Poor eye relief + piss poor stance/hold. Twenty-fourth clip. Scope eye. See BS setup for video as person was shooting a 22. Twenty-fifth clip. Scope eye. See male figure + girl/woman + no training + improper stance/hold. Twenty-Sixth clip. Not improper attire. Hot brass sometimes goes where we don't want it to. It + Happens = shooting.

At least the ended it with be smart and be safe. I think every video here could have been prevented with the following rules.

#1 Treat EVERY gun as loaded. Period.

#2 Don't point a gun at anything you don't wish to kill (see #1)

#3 Magnum's have recoil. They are not for everybody. It isn't funny to watch a girl/woman/kid hurt themselves.

#4 Learn Proper firearm handling/stances. IE don't lock your appendages, don't take a unbalanced stance, don't limp wrist, keep a minimum safe distance between your fce and the firearm, and buttstocks go against your shoulder.

#5 Treat EVERY gun as loaded. Period. For more on this see #1.

Thanks for posting it. It is a good reminder about BAD habits.


05-10-2012, 02:11 PM
I can't fault the video. I have seen some of the stupid things first hand. Any time you are around people that haven't handled firearms before, you can expect to see these things. I always stand close to, but back of those people so I can keep them pointed down range. Even though they are shown how to hold the gun, they will screw up. The worst thing is to hand a "newbie" a powerful handgun and not expect them to have a bad experience. Some guys think it is funny to hand a lady a big caliber gun and get kicked. They should be hit over the head with same gun.

Adam Helmer
05-10-2012, 03:21 PM

This is a Very Good Video that PROVES Stupid Folks SHOULD NOT BREED!

We CANNOT FIX STUPID. All "Accidential" Deaths due to these IDIOTS Improves the Gene Pool! These folks are too STUPID to seek safe firearms instruction because they "KNOW" It All! The ONLY problem with Constitutional Rights IS they apply to the lowest common denominator is Society!
