06-02-2012, 05:44 AM
If the applications were close to the same as last year, 12 of us nonresidents were trying for a unit in Utah with 3 elk tags available, and I did not get a tag. If I knew back in 1999 that I would get old waiting for this tag, I would have done something else. I have seen so many game departments change the rules of applying over the years, I would tell people to spend the money and go for a tag you can get, instead of waiting around for some good unit some place. I wanted a good moose unit in Wyoming, but decided in 2007 to go for what I could get, and am glad I did, not the best unit, but I did get a nice bull. People are sending in money for points on moose in Wyoming, and will be 90 years old before they work the way to the top of the preference point ladder. Yes it takes some luck for random draw tags, but it is the same for every person in a non weighted random draw. Here in Wisconsin I got a bobcat tag in 2010, 450 tags were available with more than 12000 applicants. I took my second Wisconsin cat and am done now for that drawing. I could go on about this but will leave it at that.