View Full Version : plans for the year

08-25-2012, 04:52 PM
The summer is just about over and many of the states have some form of hunting starting at the end of the month.
I was woondering if any one has big plans for the seasen or is it same plans and looking forward to them.
My younger sun has been doing good with the home schooling and it has been lending is self to our hunting becouse he can do it any time any place so I am looking at takeing him to kentucky to hunt.
I also made a deal with him if he can be done with school early I would take him on a out of state bear hunt

08-25-2012, 07:40 PM
I'm headed to Ontario the last week of Sept for a 10 day archery moose hunt. Other than that same old same old.

08-25-2012, 09:18 PM
Sounds like fun I would look at geting a bear tag just in case u have one come by they have a good population of them.
Icequin lives in onterio and there bear seasen should be going on I hope she post how they are doing

08-27-2012, 11:24 AM
A couple of grouse hunting trips northern Wisconsin. Annual duck hunt in SW Louisiana at Pecan Island. Most of the rest s

08-27-2012, 11:26 AM
Sorry got interupted, rest locally for deer, ducks and squirrels.

09-02-2012, 11:06 AM
Here Pa dove season started. Not yet made it out for that since having to find a new farm to hunt due to loosing 2 others. Guess someone decided on one farm to stand in the guys barn doorway because it started to sprinkle along with not picking up his shells..closed now to all dove hunters. said I know where you guys go and never find shells but leave 1 hunt and others follow thinking is open farm..the other had to remove a shotgun shell from a cow..expensive..at least I can still hunt whistle pigs,deer,yotes there..crows starting to react to the calls..another guy had 1 dog taken by yotes and shot yote while fighting with other dog..they eating good on the guys chickens too..been there hunting them but only hear from posted property next to his..can't draw them over so far..sounds like 2 huge packs..replaced a treestand for the daughter..put 2 man so has more room..did however find someone had cut my hoist rope and few other straps on old one..I think know who and I also think he thought that stand belongs to the man down the road that had him in trouble for breaking into his house. The kid just moved back home with his parents..Trail cams will tell later..anyhow, have seen buck, few doe with little ones hangin around..this morning had 6 hens with about a dozen poults with them pickin bugs in yard..go get them bugs..bad news is CWD has moved to just few miles from here..seems midges have spread..they finding dead deer in that area of Pa close to WVa line..maybe frost help but think that way down road and with this storm from the gulf passing as we speak in this area, prob spread the midges x more yet..Wardens say CWD is here to stay in this area..now just need to move some of those damaging pesty chipmonks before they eat more trailer wires or build nest under the car hoods like they like to do..gotta love them critters though..know chipmonks protected but they need a season and find seomething to make with the fur.. they opened 3 of our county parks to blackpowder this year..we were lucky to get them open for archery only and I am not sure it is safe for BP and I hope even though open, nobody dumb enough to go there..first off, too many walk trails and they used very often with horses and dog walkers..most important is the 150 yd safety zone thing..when google earth the parks, I see not one spot in any one of them that you will be legal in...always some place in the park or surrounding houses you will be in violation for..by the way, google earth is a great way to take a look at your hunting area as you never know when someone will plant a house where there never was one...good luck, have a safe hunt....make a memory

Dan Morris
09-02-2012, 04:56 PM
After I retire Oct 30, gonna do a couple of PL Elk trys then look for a part time job to supplement and keep active!

Joe Boleo
09-02-2012, 06:38 PM
I am booked for several fantastic pheasant hunts in November and December. There are several different groups that get together and it is more like a reunion than a hunt. It is a superb hunting club, great dogs and dog handlers, easy cover and lot and lots of birds. Take care...

09-04-2012, 12:03 PM
Saturday morning was opening day for antelope area 61. My son, grandson and I were hunting west of bairol and got a call from son-in-law, who passed on anatelope but was doing some scouting opening day of elk archery about 50 miles south of Rawlins. He had taken a 6x7 rag horn bull and wanted some assistance in getting him off of Springer Peak so the meat didn't spoil. We sent into resuce mode and headed his direction with a large cooler and 150 pounds of crushed ice. We made the save and had the elk of ice by 1 pm and at the processing center by 4 pm. Skipped antelope hunting on Sunday and went again Monday (Labor Day). Didn't see an obvious record head but did see three bull elk (6 point ) trying to hide in the desert and another herd of about 20 trying to cross the road without being seen. Is always a pleasure seeing the desert elk. Antelope season runs until September 30 so we have time to find what we want.

09-04-2012, 03:07 PM
Last time I was out to Ft Stockton, TX went down towards the Big Bend area. Stopped a couple of times to look at the race goats on the sides of the high desert hills. They looked about as tough as one of those mesquite fence posts. Hope yours are more palatable where you hunt.

09-04-2012, 04:53 PM
Rapier, You need to understand antelope and how to take care of the carcass after you take one. First, take it early in the day before it has been run a lot. No matter what shot you get, put the bullet as close to the heart as possible. They make their living running and pump large amounts of blood through the heart and lungs. Then rip the hide off immediately (assist the cooling process ). Gut them while they are laying on the green hide. Taking the hide off first keeps a lot of the hair out of the body cavity. Then rinse the body cavity with clean water. Get the blood and body fluids from the wound out of the body cavity with clean water. Lay them on an old sheet or matress cover. Then close it loosely with safety pins. Then head for town and the processor.

09-04-2012, 04:58 PM
Ran out of space in the reply. When you process the meat, eliminate as much fat as possible. It gives the meat the strong taste. Put beef fat with the ground meat to make red chile. Best you will ever have. Back strap steaks will melt in your mouth. Brazed tenderloin can't be beat. Roasts are darn good if you remove the fat. Make breakfast sausage and Polish sausagefrom the quarters. It is all good eating if you know how to take care of it.