View Full Version : My Final Say on what I want for the election.

09-27-2012, 01:46 PM
Here is what I want. Both Republicans and Democrats gone, its time for a TOTAL change. Every professional politician (including Obama) gone. A flat across the board 9% sales tax on everything that isn't food (10% is good enough for Almighty God, 9% should be good enough for the government) Get the government out of my Church, my school, my home, my work, my pockets, my everything. Require ID to vote no matter what your creed or color, require drugs tests for ANY kind of assistance, loan, or grant. And by the way you want that assistance, that loan or that grant? We have litter to be picked up on the highway, and any number of jobs to be done that you can do so we don't have to pay somebody else to do it. Prosecute the laws we have, and stop passing laws we won't prosecute, and criminals won't follow. Stop making any exception for ANY race, creed, or color because of X% of criminals are X Y or Z. If they did the crime, they do the time, and if the numbers are upside down then perhaps the folks protesting those numbers should go to those neighborhoods and those people and help out. Make criminals in prison work for every perk and every meal. You want a TV build a school, paint a government building, mow a highway ditch. You want a sandwich? Sweep the floor, clean the cells, work the farm. You are in prison, you have no rights. Your right is the right to keep your nose clean, work like the rest of us to survive, and get out to become a useful human being to yourself if to nobody else. You want to better yourself while in prison? Fine, you get a partial day each and every day to do so around your work schedule. However, you will only be provided the same level of learning materials available to public school children. You break those materials in any way and you lose the right to them until you have worked above and beyond your normal schedule to support yourself inside. Teach every child in school self defense in the form of martial arts from the age they can walk, teach them respect for themselves and their fellow students. Teach every male and female a gun safety class as early as possible. You want a better society? Stop making excuses, stop making exceptions and hold each and every person accountable for their actions. You want to claim free speech? Hate speech is free speech to. You have the right to hate me, I have the right to hate you. I don't have the right to harass you and you don't have the right to harass me. I respect your right to exist so long as you respect my right to exist. If you don't respect that right, if you take any course of action to do me and mine harm then I will defend myself with as much force as I deem necessary for survival of me and mine. You go out and get knocked up? You are responsible for the child. If the state has to take care of that child for you then you have to work to help the state provide for that child. No abortion for ANY pregnancy that was conceived under a willing act by the mother. In the case of rape the mother should have the right to decide, but SHOULD be encouraged to adopt the child out to a loving family. Make it EASIER for loving caring people to adopt children and give them a good home no matter how much money they do or don't have. Make it EASIER for an illegal alien to become a citizen, those who DON'T get shipped back home after X amount of time. If a illegal servers a full honorable term of service in the military then they should automatically become a citizen of the USA. Annex Mexico. We are having to police it anyway, we are having to support it, and we can't do anything about it. Take the whole kit and caboodle, enforce the same laws we have in the rest of the nation. Enforce the same taxes we have in the rest of the nation. Match dollar for dollar every tax on every item imported into the US as we are taxed for our exports to the same country. Make weed legal, it is a naturally occurring substance with less genetic modification than tobacco put the same restrictions on it you have on alcohol and tobacco. Prosecute every other illegal drug to the full extent of the law. Recognize Atheism as a religion and put the same restrictions on it that there is on every other religion. All the money we are owed from other countries? We exchange that with all the countries we owe money to. If we are still owed money from another country afterwards then we give them the option of additional taxes on their imports into our country OR we can take part of THEIR country and annex it as US territory on a 100 year annex with the option for them to buy it back within 100 years. We will tax it with the same taxes and laws we have in the US until such a time as it is payed off or repurchased. After 100 years it belongs to the US. Period. God Bless America.


09-27-2012, 05:08 PM
GOB, tell us how you really feel. Agree but it ain't gonna happen. Obama will be back, we will continue our slide to become a 3rd world nation much in the way Greece is now. I will vote GOP until I die. They are not the answer but they are better. JMO.

09-27-2012, 07:04 PM
GOB we really don't need a sales tax. Just do away with them all and put an income tax on everybody of 7% No deductions No free rides... corporate business all of it..even welfare recipients. Soc Sec disbursements are even taxed.. Why not the rest of all the government dependants? At least the Soc Sec people worked and paid into the system. Term limits..2 terms. TOTAL. If congress passes a law..they have to live with it too No lifetime retirement for congress and lets do away with Lobbyists They write laws for the company or organization they work for..not for us. Term limits are really necessay as what we have now are elected aristocracy..Think they ain't important..just ask and they'll tell ya. When it comes to religion..just have the gummit leave it alone..and abortion.. Have the gummit and religion both stay out of it. I ain't fer it or agin it..just every body leave it alone. It is a persons decision.. And not my or your business just like how many guns I might have..or how many cars. I probably couldn't live with it myself..but others can I guess. So it ain't any of my business. We have way too many do-gooders doing things TO us now including Congress..we got wolves..and somebody in New York City says I can't help keep the population down. If they don't live here..they can shut up. I am also afraid What BH said is true..looks like the fix is in and Nobama is coming back.. Romney really isn't trying much harder than McCain did. Sadly the GOP ain't much better..but they are better. Could I vote for Nobama?? Not even if he promised to do something with the threat of death if he didn't. ...Well maybe if he really meant it!!LOL But he is a politician..and it seems they ALL lie.

Adam Helmer
09-28-2012, 10:48 AM

You speak my mind. Too bad your write-in Presidential candidacy will not beat the Chimpanzee's illegal votes.
