View Full Version : Well it seems to maybe be over.

11-07-2012, 12:48 AM
I was hoping my prediction of Nobama winning was gonna be wrong..but it looks like my prediction was right...GAG.. I cannot believe people can be SO stupid!!:confused:

11-07-2012, 04:56 AM
Did anyone catch his Wisconsin speech where our president said we are all in this together..during the rise or fall of America?.... now that sounds + but we all knew what direction everyone living from the gov handouts would go..and as my dad said years ago about breading like rats and one day the numbers are going to over take the rest and have the say in America, that day has come. Anyone that did not vote was a vote for obama....period. Hope it all works out.

11-07-2012, 09:30 AM
Only good thing I can say is no more stupid TV ads or annoying phone calls.

11-10-2012, 07:40 AM
Too many still drunk on the Koolade, and wanting to keep the Goobermint Gravytrain chugging. They have no sense of indepedence and self-determination, only a feeling of 'entitlement' and government dependence. They voted with their bellies, not their brain. :o

Adam Helmer
11-10-2012, 06:17 PM
I see two reasons for Nobama's reelection:

1. ONLY 62.3% of eligible voters (in addition to the folks in the cemeteries) took the time to vote.

2. ALL the 47% getting a Gummint Benefit voted; thus we now have more folks in the wagon DIRECTING the Tax Payers pulling the wagon to PULL HARDER! Duh!


11-11-2012, 07:17 AM
Good observation, Adam.

11-11-2012, 06:04 PM
What concerns me the most is the new justices Obama may appoint to the Supreme Court during his next term. Unfortunately, they will most likely be of the same caliber as the last two he has sent forward. The court will become a joke.

11-12-2012, 08:15 AM
I do not think anyone ever expected the statement "to get away with murder" was ever intended to be literal about an administration. However, it now appears that the people that voted for the Chicago Court Jester have allowed just that. No one will be held accountable for Fast and Furious, Benghazi or any of the other outrageous Husein Obama tragedies.

McChrystal falling upon his sword to wake up America was in hindsight such a waste. Now they are crediting Petraeus with what McChrystal did, stealing even his stellar credits to paint Petraeus as anything but a poor copy of Westmorland and a "boot licking Obama lap dog." So Petraeus resigns, after folks knew about his affair for months and we go right back for a triple dip of more lies and cover ups, with no testimony about Benghazi, convenient isn't it. Obviously no one gives a diddly about integrity, honor or truth. Looking at the characters in the Greek Tragedy it is no wander we are where we are.

Give me another book of food stamps, write me a check for taxes I never paid, then go away and don't bother me.

11-13-2012, 11:56 AM
It amazes me that Clinton is out of the country and the General is no longer head of the CIA so no one can testify. Chicago politics at its best.

May God help us right this wrong. I predict that what we saw in the Middle East this year will roll over to America, Wake up people.

11-13-2012, 01:43 PM

This cannot happen. The guy cannot be resposible for the defense of this country. NFW.

11-14-2012, 11:04 PM
I hate to tell y'all this but things are gonna get better. The country is gonna take a turn for the better. We have a big boom coming in the next couple of years. Same thing happened a couple of times before. AND unfortunately both times we lost soooo many rights it wasn't funny. And it will be even worse this time. There are things a happenin now that we can't turn back from. As far as Nobama..the fix was in..Any way any how..he had to be president again.. I hope the economic part of what is comin happens..but not the political part. But things go hand in hand with this stuff..We got crooks running the country..and they are gonna take more and more. Remember the things that happened after the 2 biggest oil booms of all time in the US.. And we are right on the edge of another. The recoverable oil in the Baakken Fields and the Green River fields would sustain the US oil use for over 200 Years...each. Both make the oil finds in Saudi Arabia look small. The US is the largest Natural gas exporter in the world. And if you think that Nobama and the Democrats are not going to take advantage of all the new found wealth..Think again. The first president to take advantage of an oil boom was Wilson..He changed the Constitution to allow for an income tax..Started the Federal Reserve and got us involved in the First World War.The last President to do so was an avowed Socialist...and he started the trend towards all this socialism we have to deal with today. His name was Roosevelt..and he almost became king. America wanted to stay out of the world wars and it seems that the Dems found a way to get us in it....along with Social Security which was bound to fail eventually..and a whole Hodge-podge of like Freddy Mac/fannie Mae...the CCC the NRA TVA and a whole bunch of other things. And to top it all off this present bunch of crooks want the UN to be able to tax us and take our firearms. It is gonna get ugly..cause the ones who won't work will want more and more of the new found wealth and power..They'll get it from these guys. And we the people who really care about and for this country will take it on the chin..or worse. Don't worry about saving Confederate dollars..of the worthless ones ya have now.

Sorry rant over..Now I have to figure a way of trying to live with all this crap comin...