View Full Version : No More 2nd Amendment

11-09-2012, 09:18 AM
At a little after 0500 hours central time this morning the Fox News Channel announced that obama with in hours of being reelected, signed the u.n. treaty that will eliminate the United States 2nd Amendment?

The word was that hillary had been negotiating with the u.n. for months on that treaty.

He's not wasting any time on this crap.


11-09-2012, 12:31 PM
Not the beginning of the end..we about halfway there already. BTW..everybody thinks they have to approve the treaty in the Senate..Not really true. The Senate has to approve a treaty with another COUNTRY...ummmm

Dan Morris
11-09-2012, 06:48 PM
Guess we gotta lace the boot up tighter n keep jumpin!This was predicted.

11-09-2012, 09:59 PM
Think that small arms treaty is bad..then check out the following link. This scum suckin pig is out to ruin this country completely

11-10-2012, 07:33 AM
The First Illegal Alien and his Useless Nations masters will learn.... 'signing' this so-called 'treaty' is a far cry from enforcing it. All those body bags the PTB have been stocking away, will be for those trying to take our weapons. He and his cronies seem bent upon starting the next "War of Independence" - fine. They start that dance, and We The People will play the final music. Can any army stand against a few MILLION rifle-armed snipers? We know where they live and work. 'Nuff said.

11-12-2012, 08:14 AM

What more can be said after the truth. AMEN.

There are reports that at lease 18 states are signing petitions to secede from the union, so far.

We will see how far that goes before the brown shirts are sent to try and quell the information.

News reports are that fema has graduated its first 231 storm troopers. The photo shows them in their uniforms with bulletproof vests and full auto rifles.

Those bulletproof vests don't cover every thing.


Adam Helmer
11-12-2012, 05:42 PM

We know what we must do, but I suggest we not speak too much about it on an open Forum. As an MA Historian, I know in 1775 we opposed the, then, legitmate British Government at Lexington Green and Bunker Hill when that government overstepped its bounds.

We found out in Vietnam that 500,000 troops and a million tons of bombs could not suppress a guerilla movement. Let's play the hand we are dealt. Unless, and until, all the deer hunters, varmit shooters and target shooters are disarmed, we will have a chance. There was a damn good reason our Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment into our Constitution. No one can remove that Amendment in our Bill of Rights without consequences.


Skinny Shooter
11-12-2012, 08:25 PM
I'd like to know exactly what is in that treaty and how it affects our guns.

Adam, much as I agree with you I don't see the reset button being pushed again.
It does seem like we a closer than ever to evil prevailing.
Are there enough good men left willing to sacrifice all to prevent evil from triumphing?
I hope I'm wrong but am worried that gun owners will just bend over and take it.
The complicit media will be quick to brand anyone who stands up as an unstable extremist, that person will be isolated and made into a poster child for further gun regs.

If it goes that far, blue helmets make great targets.

11-13-2012, 07:52 AM
As of this morning at 0500 the local news channel is reporting that the state count is up from 18 to 20 and that the signature count is from a little over 8,000 to over 46,000 to secede. I thought I heard that 64,000 or 65,000 signatures were required, but I'm not sure that is correct.

I don't know what is in the treaty that obama signed but heard on the Fox News Channel said yesterday that it is to enable the u.n. to control & prevent personal firearm possession.

What ever the case, true or something else maybe even worse, I've got something they can kiss, but I don't think they are going to like it.


11-13-2012, 08:11 AM
KSEV Radio in Houston, Texas is reporting that on whitehouse.gov that the state of Texas needed 25,000 signatures to request to peacefully secede from the Union, and the White House must respond.

As of the last count this morning, Texas had 61,000 plus signatures. Predictions are that the count will exceed 100,000 signatures before today is over.

Don't know whats coming but something IS coming.


11-13-2012, 09:12 AM
I've personally checked that petitions and there are 31 states that have petitioned the United States to secede from the Union. The last count from Texas is more than 63,000 signatures.

Getting sporty, maybe.

If someone wants to sign those petitions, remember one thing, You are giving a list of people for the white house to look for when they get ready to get even with anyone who does not agree with them.


11-13-2012, 07:20 PM
I'd like to know exactly what is in that treaty and how it affects our guns.

I read part of the so called document treaty and do not like it, here is a link to the un page for disarmament. http://unidir.org/html/en/home.html

The pages I saved to my pc is 16 pages pdf file and it is bs, in what they are proposing, I still say float the UN across the Atlantic to the middle east and good riddance.

11-14-2012, 08:07 AM
Here is some more under the "About" heading.


If after reading this, you still wish all the crap going on to proceed then we are all in trouble.


11-14-2012, 10:32 PM
Skinny asked a question about are there enough good men to stand together. Election day should have answered that question. We could not even get enough people together to rid the whitehouse of evil through election, do you think they will instead take up a stand? No way. They will not bite the hand that 'feeds' them. You know, welfare checks and all the other free government handouts. I have found so many locals that voted 'color' and tons with no color not even 'waste their time' as they said. I told them for each and every one that did not 'waste' their time and vote him out was a vote for him. Remember also boys, a gun is no more than a fancy tomato stake without ammo....I think most will just bend over but wine about it....look how many gun owners will not join our voice...NRA. I know nra can be a PIA with all the mail etc, but without them, we would of lost long ago.

11-14-2012, 10:36 PM
Oh, and those that did vote 'color' do not even know he is powered by the middle east. Why do they never post his full name?
Barack Hussein Obama
Didnt they take out a guy from the middle east with the name Hussein? Why would anyone want anyone from the middle east our president...that is why obama said in his wisconson speach, for the rise or FALL of America.>>>