View Full Version : Mourning Magazine Loss.

11-30-2012, 12:36 PM
I am mourning the loss of the publication "Precision Shooting". Hadn't received the November issue so googled it to see what was going on. Found the message from the publishers that part way into the November printing they found no funds. That is it. I always looked forward to getting the publication and reading the articles. My son always stopped by to get the issues after I read them so he could see what I thought were really good articles. It will be sadly missed. Do you have any suggestions for a replacement subscription?

12-10-2012, 09:49 AM
PS is or was, all alone as a publication. They really were the keepers of the flame for BR shooting. Sorry to hear they are gone. Sounds like they should have had a better handle on the economics of their publication and switched to online publication, as many magazines have had to do.

Back when I was heavy into small bore silhouette, I corresponded with the 22 RF-BR guys for years about crazy stuff, trying to get 22 LR-RF ammo and guns to do things they never were supposed to do. I found about 10% of the alchemy actually worked. A great bunch though, for sure.

02-05-2013, 08:07 AM
A few years ago Tactical Shooter went by the wayside. Tactical Shooter was the sister publication to Precision shooter.

I will miss them both, they were very good publications that gave information that you generally didn't get anywhere else.
