View Full Version : vendors withdraw from Eastern outdoor show

01-23-2013, 11:46 AM
Outdoor hub news reports lots of vendors such as ruger,NRA, Smith and Wesson, and a list goes on and on..can be looked at so far at this link http://mynortheastoutdoors.com/esos-boycott-supporters/ have withdrawn from the exibit at the Eastern Outdoor show...Pa.
Those in charge of the show have gone against legal gun owners and the 2nd by the ban of semi auto guns etc etc.vendors can bring to the show...check it out. Interesting. Maybe the ball is starting to roll? Hope others in this great Country of ours follow if they run up against anyone that puts a ban on such events.

Dan Morris
01-23-2013, 04:57 PM
The one here was missing a lot of booths.....guess this is why!

01-24-2013, 05:49 AM
I actually sent them an email..saying don't tell us who boycotted it..Tell us who didn't so we can boycott them..

01-24-2013, 08:03 AM
Im having doubts that the ban will acutaly be passed on a national level. I'm 99% sure it will be passed here with the gun friendly liberals in our current form of government.

There is a show in Worcester, MA this month and I am curious if this is the same thing as the PA show.

Adam Helmer
01-24-2013, 01:00 PM

I am a Board Member of a Vendor of the Harrisburg show. We, along with 300+ others, pulled out when Reed Enterprises (A British Company) decreed "NO AR arms, big magazines, etc." are to be exhibited. Next day they EXPANDED the ban to hunting rifles, gun raffle tickets and other "common sense" (?) bans. Enough people pulled out that Reed has stated, "The Show is postponed."

This is a big VICTORY for the Second Amendment! The Brits got it WRONG in America, eh, wot?


01-25-2013, 08:44 AM
yep, the Brits still at it. The one on CNN Pierce Morgan is way out of line here in America. I can't stand to watch the show but do now and then just to see what and who is going on there. I know there was a petition to deport him but nothing ever came from that. Too many saying he is just doing the 1st right. Anyhow, I agree, we need to know who DID NOT BOYCOT the show. But makes no matter now due to fact it is not going to happen. Closed. Is this a win for the anti-gunshow people? Only if nobody comes up with another spot to hold the show. Even if it were in the summer months in a field on a farm. Newt Gingrich on the show is the first one I have heard while defending the 2nd said instead of we need our guns to hunt,target, but the first I heard tell Morgan and viewers the 2nd was put in place because back when the Brits came here with their army, it was our citizens that joined arms and defeted them. That is why it was added to the Constitution. That also is why they want to disarm the citizens. Oh well interesting to see where it all leads and they still say an AR-15 was used in the school shooting. I thought it was only small arms?? Now what are we going to do if they want anyone that owns an sks or ak-47 or anything with a boyonet fitting such as a Mod98k WWII rifle to 'register' them or be in violation of the law. Or track the ammo you buy? While I am here, i slso think those from the top down that swore an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution but now are attacking it and violating it, should be enough reason to kick them out of office. We need to get on that ball.Any lawyers out there that want to be famous? Just makes me mad too that too many people sat on butts during election saying the didn't like anyone running so did NOT vote. As I tell them as they wine to me, by you not voting the lesser of the 2 evils, you cast a vote in the other direction. Thanks. I also was blocked from opening HC all morning. Had to do things in another direction to get here. Wonder what is up with that?

01-25-2013, 03:16 PM
newyork@reedelsevier.com <newyork@reedelsevier.com>