View Full Version : Been doing a gun show this weekend.
02-16-2013, 11:39 PM
Holy Cow!! Those people are lookin for anything and everything. Y'all know i do reloading items. All kinds of reloading items. If I had 30 sets of 223 dies.. I could sell 'em all Almost all or any bullet moulds. Primers. holy Cow. individual 1 lb cans of powder??? Sold more than 80 cans today. Also some larger cans. I had 2 lbs of Varget left and 2 guys were actually arguing about it..Just took the powder and pound arguing. Solved the problem but it is stupid. I saw 500 round bricks of 22 LRs SELLING for 50 dollars. This is ridiculous. I actually sold 70 bullet moulds. Being the show is in Montana I don't sell handguns..except to other dealers.. I had one of my 45 carry guns... a S&W 745 laying under the gun racks and some people offered me 700 bucks for it. People are becoming really fearful of government intrusion. I stopped selling rifle and pistol primers. And what is even more strange I sold 30,000 12 ga shotshell wads today !! HUH?? The last of my shot sold today too. Cept for the 25 bags I am keeping for myself. Gotta fire up the old Littleton shotmaker soon. There was a bulletmaker at the show today from up in Montana.. Bought a 1000 200 gr H&G type SWC 45 bullets 70 bucks. and they are nicely made bullets. Got a few others too for the 38 spec. A fellow gave me 2-5 gal buckets of once fired Federal 38 spec brass. Wow..Not complaining now...but wish it were 45 auto brass.
02-17-2013, 10:01 PM
I'm waiting to see the fallout up here... I am hoping at least to have enough ammo for gophers & my Africa trip.
02-18-2013, 08:10 AM
What you saw, is going on everywhere. It is not just ARs or AR affiliated stuff. It is all military items, survival items and combat items of every kind. Every one I know is reporting the same thing all across the SE, every shop and every show, everything of use is going out the door.
I think our politicians better take a hard look around them and take the blinders off, before someone or something strikes a spark. What may be about to occur, if it starts, may be a wildfire no one wants or can put out. People appear to be preparing for the worst.
02-18-2013, 01:56 PM
I was talking to an industry insider type on the phone yesterday. He wanted an update from our area up here. His comments not mine..Said it seems as though ALL useful rifles especially military typse made in the last 100 yrs are pretty much gone ...sold out..ammo is in very short supply..if it'll shoot it has been sold. He said and I doesn't look like people are buying because they think these may be looks as though people are preparing for a possible war. I didn't realize it but what he said is somewhat obvious if you discount the conspiracy bull crap. This guy is an executive for one of the large firearm manufacturers.. Not one of the big AR manufacturers either.. He is actually concerned about the future of the US. He told me that there is a shortage of firearm quality steel for making barrels etc. In my case I ordered another Dillon Super 1050 last waiting for it now..but am turning all my 223 brass laying around into something useful. Then the 45 brass. A guy just GAVE me 2 5 gal buckets of Federal 38 Spec brass. At the gun show this weekend..I sold 62 bullet moulds..62?? Holy crap!! They even bought 2 of the real expensive H&Gs I had on the table for eye candy.. The first one a fellow picked up and this for 41 mag?? Said yep..asked how much...It was eye candy..told him 300 bucks..and he didn't even try to get the price down..Just paid me for it. Luckily I bought 21 more moulds from a fellow I I still have a few. I really didn't want to sell that mould dang it! The overwhelming comments I heard wasn't a real fear of things being was absolute defiance of any new laws that may be passed or Presidential edicts. In my opinion..this is a bit scary. What was that comment about living in interesting times??
02-18-2013, 05:56 PM
Lexington was not a fight between two armies, it was a group of neighbors, just farmers, trying to stop the confiscation of arms and ammunition by the best army in the world, the British. By the time the fire went out the British would have gladly never marched down that road. Some never learn by reading, they have to stick their hand into the fire.
02-19-2013, 12:40 PM
I may get to see this before I die. I dread the loss of life on both sides and do hope our politican smarten up.
02-19-2013, 08:20 PM
I am hoping it doesn't come to that point. The fact of the matter is we cannot win a fight against our own government any longer(in my opinion). The only thing we can hope for is that our military decides to not fight our citizens. BUT I see bad precedents for such a thing in the past..such as Nazi Germany. Remember the refrain of the accused at the Nuremburg Trials. "But I was ordered to kill the people in the concentration camps" .. But they killed their own citizens anyway. The police here in the US right now have been acting just like storm troopers in Germany..Riot gear for peaceful demonstartions?? Tasing and pepper spraying peaceful demonstrators?? But they were ordered to do it!!.. Many will not remember the WWI vets who peacefully demonstrated in Washington DC wanting to get what was promised to was a terrible rout when the military was called out on them. Some were killed if my recollection is right. By US troops...Led by people like Dwight D Eisenhower.. Ol Blood and Guts Patton himself and other very famous military men of later years. They were ordered to beat and kill American vets..and were later ...promoted. I can see a replay coming...and our idiot leaders are doing nothing to help the economy by trying to create jobs. The average worker has barely enough for himself..and we have to help others behind us..even if they CHOOSE to not work. It seems our leaders are doing things TO us rather than FOR us
02-20-2013, 08:52 AM
The water is starting to boil and the lid will be coming off. I hate to see it happen but its going to.
Adam Helmer
02-20-2013, 10:55 AM
I disagree when you state we could not win against our own government. Hypothetically speaking, history shows the people will win starting with our own Revolution. The Czar thought he was in charge in 1917 until his troops deserted to the people. We did not win in Vietnam because the rebels "swam among the populace." Reprisals merely added to the rebel forces.
The only oppresssive governments that stay in power rule over a disarmed populace like in North Korea, Iran, etc. Arms are the key to survival. The victims in the Third Reich were unarmed and had to comply with the SS "obeying orders."
02-20-2013, 11:06 AM
And the reason that the people were disarmed was because of the gun control act of 1938. They did the same thing that this regime is doing now..if you do not comply you will be considered a felon. And to be very honest the germans...even the German Jews were very much lockstep people. Luckily the populace of the US is anything but that kind of people. But Adam we are not in charge any longer..and I don't think we ever will be again. I truly believe the police are behind the gummit completely for the most part and the military will probably do as they are told by the "legal" gummit. I hate to point this out but it is no longer 1776. We can't hide..they have the armed drones and other arms that will be very hard to beat. We do not have the arms that the military had any longer..courtesy of a guy named Roosevelt and Johnson etc etc. Our only hope is if the military chooses to not fight the citizens..and it ain't lookin good for that!!
02-20-2013, 11:16 AM
Just an observation.. Many people do not know it but our Gun Control Act of 1968 was in some parts written word for word right out of the German Gun Control Act of 1938. We had some really original politicians at the time. and as often isn't gun is just CONTROL over the people.And our idiots in charge are trying to ruin our economy in the name of control. Workin too!
02-20-2013, 06:18 PM
I was at a gun show last Saturday. A vendor next to our tables had nothing on display. When the show started he disappeared. Came back later and offered his empty table to us. Seems he paid for the table so that when the show started he could beat the public and be first in line to buy ammo. He purchased $6,000 in ammo and headed back to California to sell it. Table probably cost $100 but he was sure to get the ammo he wanted before it was all gone.
BTW the show was packed!!
02-25-2013, 05:17 PM
Just an observation.. Many people do not know it but our Gun Control Act of 1968 was in some parts written word for word right out of the German Gun Control Act of 1938. We had some really original politicians at the time. and as often isn't gun is just CONTROL over the people.And our idiots in charge are trying to ruin our economy in the name of control. Workin too!
You're absolutely right. Senator Thomas Dodd was part of the nuremberg trials afyer WW2 and he got hold of a copy of Hitler's 1935 gun control law and after he had it translated, ths SOB fell in love with it. He joined up with Congressman Emanual Cellrs and the two of them rammed it through both house and that idiot Lame Brain Johnson signed it with glee. They were damned communists hiding in Democrat clothes.
Dunno if any of WE THE PEOPLE today even have the stomach to stand up to the government. After all, it was Adolph Hitler who said, "What good fortune for government that the people do not think."
Ever notice how an unknown (Hitler) and another unknown (Obama) rise to power are so similar? If one believed in reincarnation, one would have to think Obama is Hitler reincarnated, only worse should he get his way.
Dunno if WE THE PEOPLE could stand up to do what's right but look what a rough time the Muhajadeen gave the Russians in Afghanistan with what crude weapons they had. There's about 80 million armed Americans and if only 8 million stood up for liberty, things might get damned nasty for "Big Brother". We were pretty well outnimbered in 1776 as well. IIRC, 10 percent of the population stay with the british, 80 percent sat on their dead asses and waited to see who won while 10 percent actually did the fight for freedon from King George. I wonder?????? Do we have 10 perceent who will do what needs to be done should the time arise?
Paul B.
02-26-2013, 12:44 AM
Hopefully there are more armed Americans than that Talking to a friend in Md tonight. He said that he hears a lot of cavalier comments about giving the gummit troops the ammo first etc..but most of it is BS..they'll knuckle under in a heart beat.. The people out this way..don't say much. But even the women hate what the politicians are doing in Washington. Hey ya don't mess with the wimmin..out here most are armed too. LOL!!
02-28-2013, 01:47 AM
The one good thing is the military can refuse a order if it is unconstitutional or immoral. Looks like over 80 percent of the military would refuse to take arms away from U.S. citizens. Because it is just plain wrong
02-28-2013, 03:18 PM
I am hoping if it comes to pass that you are correct about our military. The rank and file probably don't trust the powers that be anymore than we do
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