View Full Version : Still finding a few

02-28-2013, 03:53 PM
Today..took momma to the gun shop for a holster for the Smith 36..AND... she came away with a 9mm kahr. Told me to sell the M-36. She got a neat holster for the Kahr too. she wants a dedicated carry gun. She was lookin at takin my Para Ordnance LDA. Then I met a friend there who had some guns for sale. Went over and bought a nice little Rem 582 22 with a one inch 2x7 Weaver. Yep..paid too much.. also got a really nice Rem 870 20 ga express with laminate stock..did not pay too much on it..and got a Vanguard in 243 with a 4-12 Bushnell elite. Tupperware stock but the price was very right. on the way home checked out an ad in the penny paper and bought a really nice Ruger 77 Mk II in 243 also. Got the darn thing for 375 which I consider a pretty good price..Had a Bushnell Banner 3-9 on it..junk scope but think I did ok. And by the way..Momma really likes the Ruger Blackhawk 45 convertible. She likes trying to hit balloons at our range here at home. She's gettin close to hitting them too..but the range is over 350 yds. at shorter range she does well. I have to find a few more 45 Colt cases..I'm about run out. She has hit a few with her little AR carbine. Has a red dot holo sight on it. Gettin so she really enjoys shootin.:eek:

Skinny Shooter
03-01-2013, 03:59 PM
And by the way..Momma really likes the Ruger Blackhawk 45 convertible. She likes trying to hit balloons at our range here at home. She's gettin close to hitting them too..but the range is over 350 yds. at shorter range she does well.
Very funny LOL

03-01-2013, 06:36 PM
Probably a bit funny but it is true. We have over 500 yds but we put balloons up on the cliff and she shoots at 'em. She shoots at 'em from the 200 yd line over the seat of the 4 wheeler(she doesn't walk back to the cliff ya know) You can see how close ya come from the bullet strikes on the sandstone cliff. especially with the big bullets from handguns. 223s you can hardly ever see. I have a friend with a 460 S&W who likes to shoot at 'em too. You can usually see the 300 Win mag hits too. I killed a wild pigeon back there at about 300 yds with the 223 varminter. Sittin on a ledge. An hour later there was a golden eagle eating it.

03-08-2013, 09:35 AM
Another gun show weekend. Bozeman Mt this time. Going to look for lots of small stuff. Picked a few things at the pawn shops in Billings on Tuesday. I actually got 2 RCBS stuck case removers at one for 5 bucks each. I remove stuck cases at gun shows for 5 bucks each... LOL!! It seems there is a rash of new stuck cases these days. The NEW spray lubes aren't all they are cracked up to be..or people don't know how to use 'em. I usually do 4 or 5 on a weekend. And it sure looks like spring is springin..cept it's snowin on the mountain across from home this morning. But it's a short mountain..only 7000 ft. 2800 ft higher than home.

03-08-2013, 11:48 AM
Now that is funny, my yard is at 12ft. and the dock is 2ft. The stairs makes the difference. I live in short country, you tall country guys get some real exercise just breathing.:D

Shooting steel critters for years gives you an entirely different perspective on long range handgun shooting. Regular big bore silhouette is to 200 meters, long range handgun is to rifle ranges, out to 500 meters. So seeing the ladies out hammering steel is pretty common indeed. It is like everything else, in shooting, it is a matter of figuring out how, then executing the same every time.

Let me know if you can not find the LC brass, if my CRS memory is right, I recall having some once fired, somewhere.

03-08-2013, 07:53 PM
Well been finding a bit here and there around the place.. A friend gave me 50 cases..I gave him a pound of black powder which he actually loaded in a bunch of 45 colts. Said he always wanted to try it. Bought a bunch of reloading stuff from an ol fellow(yeah..even older than me) and I found some old(er) 50 gr bullets in the boxes. He needs some .224 bullets to load some blow away ammo in the 223..So gonna give 'em to him. Gotta keep him happy..his son bought one of my ARs..so ammo will be in short supply round there place for a while. BTW..the sandstone cliff hind the house even has a dinosaur bone er two stickin out of it..dare not tell the archeology people out here..they go nuts. The mountains on the other side of the house are at 7000 ft. Only 20 miles away..looks like you could hit 'em with a 45.

03-09-2013, 07:26 AM
Lived in OK for 3.5 years, same there, we had folks come to visit and wanted to walk over to those hills, they were 20 plus miles off. :D

03-10-2013, 03:03 AM
Yep..had a visitor from back in Md out here..asked me how far the mountains were cause he'd like to go over and climb up on top.. Being from 30 ft in elevation I told him(he's a smoker) he might just get outta wind gettin to 'em..gettin to the top might take a backpack of O2 tanks for him.. bein high takes a bit of gettin used to..when i go hunting up at 8-9000 ft you just take yer time gettin around..

Gun show today I did ok.. walked in the door and a guy had a DPMS AR-10 for sale(people walkin round..not dealers. And a "tactical" 590 Mossberg with all kinds of crap on it..with 11 boxes of shells. Bought it for 250. 10 minutes later sold it for 300 and kept the ammo. Bought 5 sets of carbide pistol dies for 15 bucks each..All RCBS..one was a nice set of 30 carbine..2 cans of Trail boss Powder for 25 bucks. a can of BL C-2 for the same and one can of H380 for 10 bucks.. 2 Dillon Case feeder plates for 15 bucks. A RCBS stuck case remover for 5 bucks. 12 boxes of .355 Speer Gold Dot 125 gr bullets for 110. Bought 2 ghuns from a ghuy walkin around.. A stainless Encore handgun in 7mm-08 and one of the Ruger 10-22 based handguns with the bipod and scope etc. The Encore also was scoped..Bushnell 3200 2-6X..Got 'em both for 650. Guy I do some shows with wanted the Ruger so he got it for 275. Neither has been shot more'n 20 times. I got the 1st box of 7-08 ammo with 17 rounds of brass and 3 rounds.. Bought more stuff..little reloading stuff. Couple of Lee loaders. Bought a really nice S&W M-63 22 Kit gun(4 inch) for 475..traded it to a fellow I happen to know from Columbus Mt walkin round with a Colt AR-15 that had a mag Pul stock Forend some kinda fore grip add on a scope and a drop in match trigger and 3 Mag Pul mags. Paid him 300 to boot..but the AR will go next weekend. Got a kinda rough Weatherby bolt gun in 22-250..paid 250 for it with junk scope..going to a friend to refinish the stock.and I'm gonna redo the metal. I hate wood work. Made a bunch of re-connections and a friend at the show sold one of my guns..the Weatherby Vanguard 243..Made a 100 on it.. I also turned another friend on to a nice Winchester M-62A with a Marbles tang peep. Nice gun and he bought it for 575..not my cuppa tea any more All in all a good show for me today. Lot of dies etc there but not even one metallic reloading press...darn it

03-11-2013, 12:02 AM
Well I got back home and talked to the fellow I Called to see if he knew anybody that might want a nice AR. He and his wife were the friends we went on a cruise to Alaska and down to Vegas with last month..Just so happened he did know someone who wanted one..Him. So the AR is gone to a good home with someone I know is responsible. Always makes you feel better when you know where a gun is going. Surprisingly I usually do..This is a BIG area..but not that many people. The gun show I am going to do next weekend is kinda local. A smaller show with mostly local people. The county sheriff and the town police provide security of a sort..and one of the show sponsors is a retired judge..Not many BGs get into that show. And all of the vendors are checked out believe it or not. These people make ya feel right to home. In fact I had a Uberti deluxe 73 Win copy and the judge traded me 2 Ruger vaqueros and some cash for it..He just hadda have it. Cowboy Action shootin ya know. The Vaqueros were long bbld so he wasn't happy with 'em

03-11-2013, 09:08 AM
I could not believe what I saw on Saturday. Went to the local Bass Pro Shops. There was one hand gun in the case. One. Everything was sold out. There was not one round of 9mm or 40 cal for sale. Sold out. There were 6 boxes of 45 cal for sale. Man I guess were back at it. There was a ton of hunting rifles, shotguns and centerfire and shotgun ammo. Glad I'm stocked up.

03-11-2013, 10:38 AM
BH..It is truly amazing. There was some 223 Ammo at the gun show..at about a buck a round..No 45 auto..no 9mm. Saw one 440 rd can of 7.62 x54 at twice the cost of 4 months ago. There were very few hunting rifles selling. almost none in fact..saw quite a few handguns sold. Very few ARs were selling but they had inflated prices..and the ones people were bringing in were going back home with them. They thought they were gonna get the big prices the dealers had on 'em..but they weren't selling. There was very little 22 ammo..and it was selling for 50 cents a round.or more. One guy had 400 Round bricks by Remington priced at 5 bucks for a box of 40..equates to 50 bucks for 400 rounds..It was not selling. I truly think the BIG AR thing is over..unless they get legislation going against 'em..AR mags were priced a little lower too...not much but some. Very little shotshell ammo either..Hunting loads I mean but I never see target ammo at gun shows. Too much weight to carry. I take a few cases of 20s and 28s to shows every now and then.. The localWally World got in 12 cases of 22 ammo. Federal i think. normal prices..like 20 bucks a brick..sold out in a little over an hour. Oh and primers. 35 bucks at the show...but saw 'em in a gun shop in Big Timber Mt for..65 bucks a thousand..sheesh. Still lookin for 45 Colt Brass though..none at the show. Guarantee there will be at this weekends..Lotta Cowboy Shooters in that town