View Full Version : Ammo!

04-24-2013, 02:45 PM
I hate to say this but I am doing a dance of joy! Found three 50 rnd boxes of 22s at a wal-mart after searching for 22s for the last four months! Bought all three, which was the limit they would sell one person..... If there had been four I probably would have been arrested for the fit I would have thrown over being limited to three....

Anyway keep up the search.


04-24-2013, 04:38 PM
I just gave a box of. 50 to a guy at work he is haveing a problim with coons and could not find any

04-24-2013, 07:23 PM
I found plenty at the gun show this last week-end. Only $125.00 a brick.

04-24-2013, 08:46 PM
too bad you can't come up here & get some... I 'm having no problems right now.... but I also have around 2500rnds sitting in my ammo cabinet.. so I am good for now...

04-24-2013, 09:46 PM
We were talking at my local sportshop the other day. He is not gouging on ammo prices at all. He said that the whosale price has not gone up enough to count.

These high prices are not caused by cost increases but by greed just like every thing else these days. That and the stupidity of the people that will pay the price.

He gets at least 30 calls a day looking for 22 ammo.

04-25-2013, 08:47 AM
I actually found a bunch of CCI 22's last weekend. Bought 100 rounds although I have enought to keep me going for a while. Clerk at the store told me its starting to lighten up a little. The had 9, 40 and a lot of 45. Limited to 2 boxes. They are seeing shipments of AR's coming in.

I don't know why 22's have dried up.

Dan Morris
04-25-2013, 10:32 AM
Glad some one finds it.Was at Wally World in West Littleton getting something?...
Looked in sporting section....3 guns, perhaps 3 boxes of odd cal centerfire ammo.....nothing else......been that way for weeks!

Adam Helmer
04-25-2013, 03:22 PM

At the Mansfield, PA Walmart, they have some shotgun shells, turkey load 10-round packs and NO .22 shells. About once a week they get in a case of Tula 7.62X39MM Ball ammo. I get my alloted 3 boxes and the rest goes by next day.


04-26-2013, 08:24 AM
A couple of weeks ago a coworker asked me if I had a couple of boxes of .45 ACP I could sell him. After checking my stock I informed him I didn't have any extra and told him about 10 different places I would normally look for ammo.

He told me he had already checked all of those and about a dozen more and still couldn't find a box of .45 ACP. He found out I had 2-boxes in my ruck sack and offered me $100 for the pair. I told him no because of trying to keep a hole from developing in my supply. I told him what they were and he said that he wouldn't pay $50 a box for what I had anyway.

A few days later he told me he had found two boxes at a little store somewhere on the other side of Houston from where we work and that he had bought one of them because that's all they would sell him. I asked him what brand they were and what he paid for them. I don't remember the brand because I don't think I had ever heard of it before and he paid $48 per box before taxes, that somewhere above $50 after taxes.

I guess my two little boxes don't seam so bad to him now, but he was not getting them anyway.


04-26-2013, 11:38 AM
22 ammo is missing because it finally dawned on the populace that a little 22 rifle and 1K rounds of ammo was a lot easier to carry than an AK or an AR plus 1k rounds for it. The 22 LR with standard velocity ammo is the real survival rifle.

04-26-2013, 11:17 PM
And don't forget..most people think the gummit doesn't care if they have a 22. BTW many of the people buying the 22s at such high prices are..seriously..indulgent grandfathers..buying for their grandkids

04-29-2013, 03:40 AM
Yep, I wouldn't have paid much more than I did for them $2+ per 50, that's for sure. I am still a cheap (and broke) bugger.


05-02-2013, 07:03 PM
Just scored 2 boxes (50 rounds) from wally world and this is the first I've seen on the shelves since last fall!

05-02-2013, 09:07 PM
congrats! I am still checking every time we pass through a wally world. Could have picked up all the .410 I could have ever wanted today, but it ain't a caliber I have. Other than that they still have their vastly overpriced 308s and 270s.


05-03-2013, 09:00 AM
One of my hunting partners had to have a 6.5-284. Had to have that long shooter. He doesn't handload. Saw some factory loads at a gun store a couple of weeks ago for $55 a box. That was a I told you so moment.

05-03-2013, 09:35 AM
I was at a small gun show last weekend at the VFW post.

First time I have ever seen any Winchester factory 284 ammo at a show. Priced at $40.00. I told the guy that that was a fair price. He looked at his most recent whosale price list and said that was the price they should be at with his normal mark up.

He was really ticked at all the gouging going on with ammo and gun prices.

We had looked up the MSRP on 284 Winchesters months before this crap started. It was $55. Luckilly I have a freind that reloads mine.

05-03-2013, 11:36 AM
yeeeeppppp Same way I felt when the 300 RUMs started piling up at the pawn shops and gun shows a couple of years back....


05-05-2013, 12:21 PM
Found a guy with some left over ammo. Brick of 22lr,box 30x30,4 boxes 7mag,box 12 g shotgun shells and what I was looking for in the first place 2 box 223. I had just paid $10 for a box 22lr at price gouge store so i think got pretty good deal for $100. Wow, we need to work on this ammo thing as it is important part of a gun and gun incomplete without it. They figured you can keep your guns, you just will not be able to shoot it. Save our guns and Save our ammo.