View Full Version : need a cast bullet company!

07-02-2013, 03:35 PM
OK so I have tried contacting Tennessee Valley bullets every which way but loose. I am just assuming they are DOA DNR at this point. I need a decent bullet casting company for 45 colt 250 grain RNFP lead at a good price (I realize many are back-ordered/backlogged at this point.) And (here's the kicker) I don't want to pay $80+ per 500 for them. Actually it is more of a can't not a don't want to. ANYWAY. I found a company called Missouri Bullet Company, but I don't know anything about them. Before I start shimmying out on limbs to deal with companies, that I don't know from adam (old east Texas expression), does anybody have a good site they have done business with that is reasonable in this day and age for cast lead?

Thanks in advance!


Edited on 7-21-13 to add the following. TVB has contacted me a few weeks after I sent them a question on their facebook page asking me to call them. Apparently they are not defunct, they just don't have a working web page.

Also this issue has been SOLVED by Skeet, and Going Ballistic Bullet Company! Thanks guys!

07-02-2013, 07:19 PM
GOB. I have a company I do business with here in my area. Actually they are in Montana. The name is going Ballistic bullet company. Prices are reasonable..or were a month or two back and they make good bullets. Try www.Goingballisticbullets.com Their prices from my last price sheet for the bullets you want are $52 per 500..plus shipping of course. They do make some good bullets. I do deal with them..but usually at gun shows. They were featured in Handloader mag a month or two back by Rick Jamieson I think. He didn't even have a copy so I lent him mine.. If that isn't the right web addy..google 'em

07-02-2013, 09:28 PM
Skeet, that is perfect man you saved my day yet again! Looks like that is the correct page for a company that started in Oregon and is now in Lolo, Montana so I am assuming it is the right folks. Prices are right along what you said, and I will contact them ASAP!

Thanks again!


07-02-2013, 11:43 PM
Glad to be of help..Yep..they are out of Lolo Mt. Tell 'em the blonde hair blue eyed ol guy with a pony tail from the gun shows sent ya

07-03-2013, 08:44 AM
Ok Skeet, gotta ask. How does a guy your age have blond hair? Right now mine is short and brown however this time next year I will have a pony tail. And that only because the Commanding Officer issued a General Order against it.

07-03-2013, 09:27 AM
Well BH.. Had blonde all my life It was so light when I was a kid some people thunk I was an albino..but no pink eyes..cept after a hard night of drinkin. I have a pony tail mainly cause i werked in a fire dept and couldn't have long hair beard or even a long handlebar mostache..I had onea them till we got our first air masks. All of a suddeen they wanted to protect us for some odd reason..'fore that is was who in heck cares?? We were expendable. Well as far as the commander..guess I just never got round to doin as I was told by her....less'n it was fer my own good. LOL Couldn't handle a beard..darn thing itched and it's red....and white. I have some white hair but my hair is so light it's hard to tell. My wife on the other hand..is all white. and I gave her ever one of 'em cept what my daughter gave her. I was proud of every one too..till she started makin me pay for all of 'em I gave her(and even the ones my daughter caused..it's always our fault ya know)..but she is an emergency room nurse..and they ain't got ANY kinda nice streak in 'em. No compassion whatsoever

07-03-2013, 09:47 AM
Skeet you been dying your hair again?
No, really, thanks for the site, it solved a riddle for me. I have a fair supply of some bullets I have had for a long time and the labels came off. I had written 170gr on the plastic package cover with a magic marker but for the life of me could not remember what the devil they are, when I looked at the pictures on the site there they were; Veral Smith's 170gr 30cal LBT FNLB. I had bought 1m of them for testing in my 30cal Merrill barrels (30-30, 30-20, 30 Merrill) and never used them except for a few when I was writing an article about the 30-20 and 30 Carbine used to shoot steel with heavy bullets. I also used a few when I was working on a propitiatory 30cal revolver round. But due to CRS I just could not recall where they came from or what they were. That is a fine 30 cal bullet.
Thanks again.

07-03-2013, 11:41 AM
Ed those fellows have some good bullets and they are making some of the old types of cast boolits. They still make my H&G 200 gr boolit..same design anyway. I still use my original H&G mould. I have some correspondence from Veral for a couple of moulds from many years ago..I also have one he made for me in 41 cal in heavy boolit mode..either a 260 or 280 gr..don't remember without going to look. One shot well and the other didn't do so well..so I sold it..kinda my design on both with his input..This was back when he was movin his business..many years ago.

07-03-2013, 05:28 PM
Well fellers I spoke with AJ and handed over my card info (little nervous, but giving it a shot since they come recommended) and I will get a confirmation email tonight in which I put my return addy. My order ships Friday. Talk about fast turn around sheesh!


07-03-2013, 11:56 PM
GOB..Going to a gun show in Bozeman Mt next week and I know I'll see those fellows there.. I am going to buy a few of their 240 gr WFN bullets just for the 41 cal mainly to carry for bears. Should go clean through one if I have ta shoot one. no more than i will shoot I only need a 100 or so.

07-04-2013, 05:47 PM
We shot a few today to celebrate the fourth by recreating the revolutionary war with cowboy guns, and old canned goods for targets :D Looking forward to the new ones arriving so I can load up replacement stock!

BTW see if you can talk them into a discount. hope it was alright but I dropped your name as a reference and told them your recommendation was the reason I was ordering!



07-04-2013, 07:42 PM
Heck GOB..I'm surprised when ya mentioned my name they didn't chare bout 30% more. Hope ya had a good 'un today..I actually went to Cody today..stayed away from the Rodeo tonight though There is a campground near Cody that has so many campers(big uns) in it that they are worth about a 100 times the value of my property..maybe more..Course..it really ain't campin..LOL

07-05-2013, 08:59 AM
Well we had a really hard T storm last night. Then a bit of rain that didn't end here at home till 2230. Now ya have to understand. We got an easy inch..in an area where we get 4-5 inches in a year..total. In fact we have already had more'n 6 inches fer the year. I know this doesn't compare to what y'all get in East Texas of whet Rapier gets in Florida.. but if'n it keeps up at this rate them mountains are gonna be melted down to molehills in short order. I built a dam of sorts in one of the gullys that comes through the cliff behind the house.. Gonna go see if I got any free water..

07-05-2013, 11:52 AM
Don't blame you on the water, always better to have a bit extra standing around. Down here we are actually about a foot short on rainfall for the year so far, and the piddlin drizzle we got last night didn't help none.

Well I won't say they charged more because I mentioned ya, but they sure hadn't brought up shippin and handlin till I did :D


07-05-2013, 03:11 PM
Got a little water in the dam'd up canyon..If I do a bit more work on that thing I can have a REAL pond back on my dry grouns..That ol gully is kinda wide and wore right down to bedrock.

07-06-2013, 04:58 PM
Skeet, I have been buying my 40 and 45acp bullets from a business called CheyCast, in sw Cheyenne. They also have bullets for the 45 Colt. For the magnums, I buy cast bullets with gas checks from Leadhead bullets. That fellow has very good quality and I support him because he is in a wheelchair. Both can be looked up on the internet by using Google.

07-06-2013, 05:07 PM
I have heard of Leadhead..but never bought from him.. Mostly like to use stuff I can look at first. Only thing I don't like now days is many of the commercial guys do a lot of bevel base bullets..but those magma machines cast those more consistently I guess. I do like square based bullets better. and as you say..gas checks in the mag bullets. How're things going down there?? Any shows comin up soon?? I bought a bbld action Martini 310 Cadet.. Any suggestion for a caliber to make it?? If I don't sell it

07-10-2013, 08:09 AM
Hey GOB..Get them boolits yet??

07-11-2013, 10:49 PM
Not yet, and I have left a couple messages so far..... I am still giving the benefit of the doubt.... but I am also starting to grind my teeth a little...


07-11-2013, 11:11 PM
Don't get all fired up..I bought something and was told it would be delivered lat Friday..not here yet.. Tracking says..tomorrow..Sheesh..think they messed up on delivery date.. Did they send tracking numbers??

07-13-2013, 01:55 AM
Not fired up yet, just thinking it is following my luck. Nope AJ was supposed to send me the tracking numbers but he apparently forgot to, and now he is on vacation until August according to his voicemail. I called the number on it and left a message for the other person, but no results yet.


07-14-2013, 07:27 PM
Saw 'em yesterday at the gun show in Bozeman..well one of 'em and picked up a hundred of the 41 255 WFNGC for the 41.. Not worth buying a mould to cast the few I would use...18 gr of Lil Gun will push 'em fast 'nuff for me.. Gotta post about my buys

07-14-2013, 09:47 PM
I am sure they are just busier than a one legged feller at a foot plantin competition. I will give them another call this week.


07-15-2013, 10:32 PM
Call 'em and get a tracking number..less'n ya got 'em today.. I'm gonna get the ol press fired up and load those hundred 41 wfngc boolits..

07-16-2013, 02:15 PM
They give me a call last night. The young lady found the unshipped box with my name, but no shipping info on it. Should be on it's way as of this mornin! Whoot!


07-21-2013, 12:51 AM
Got a nice heavy box in the mail yesterday! Opened it up and everything looked perfecto. I will be ordering from them again at some point, as I understand that slip ups happen, and their product is good quality. They were nice about the whole thing as well, so all and all I am happy. Turns out my name was on the box sitting in the office, but for whatever reason their email server and gmail have it out for each other. Once the lady called me the box got here quick quick.


07-21-2013, 02:52 AM
BTW..you should see that young lady!! Course I just love young(and not so young) ladies. Going Monday to a gun shop locally. They have a bunch of Benchrest stuff they want me to buy..They also have a bunch of cast sized and lubed 210 gr 41 cal bullets. If the price is right..I'm gonna buy 'em all. In all that mess they also have some primers that were sold/shipped with Hodgdon powders back in the 50's I'd say. Large rifle type. I actually have a wooden box from Hodgdon marked 1953 I think that contained primers. Their primers were made in Scandinavia I think..Hope the bullets work out well for you. I have a hundred 41 mag cases sized primed and ready to load those 255 WFNGC bullets. We'll see how they do.

07-21-2013, 05:17 PM
Yep I am prepping cases now for a good portion of what I picked up. They look outstanding, and from the bullet I would say it is identical to the TVB bullets I bought last year. If it is then accuracy will be dead on without an issue!


08-07-2013, 11:36 PM
Oh as an addendum since I forgot to post it. the bullets were dead on accurate, and work perfectly. Heck like most things they actually shoot better than I do! I am using my trailboss load and it'll put them little buggers in the purdiest lil clover pattern ya would ever want to see!


08-21-2013, 09:50 PM
Five shot Test group. Three shots in a hole. Then i pulled the last two because I was so excited.... This is a 90% load of trailboss, a Remmy large pistol primer, and one of the new 250gr rnfp loads. 30+- yards
