View Full Version : 40 cal S&W

08-09-2013, 03:22 PM
working up a load for 40 cal. any one have a favorite? Just going to be using it out in the back yard but will be using it for home defense also. thanks

08-10-2013, 04:26 AM
Well mrmiskin, I don't want you to think anybody is ignoring ya, and I know we have some 40 S&W shooters on here, but nobody has jumped on the thread yet so I wanted to respond to you. I don't shoot 40 S&W myself, but here's a few things I can "universally" recommend with auto-pistol reloading.

#1 Laser-Cast bullets. Very hard cast lead, won't lead your barrel, and will run you less than jacketed bullets for backyard exercises. On the plus side I have always had good accuracy with laser-cast bullets as well. http://www.laser-cast.com/4010mm.html (went ahead and pointed you to the 40 section) just remember to keep in whatever grain weight range loads via your feed ramp without a problem and you should be fine. IE if a XYZ grain won't load in a jacketed bullet, it probably won't load as a laser-cast either.

#2 Unique powder from Alliant powders. Now I am normally a hodgdon fan of powders, but for auto-pistols I have always loved the performance of unique. Follow load guidelines as listed by Alliant, and as always what works in my guns may not work in yours I assume no liability for anything you do.

#3 starline brass (assuming you don't have brass already) can't beat it IMHO for good multi-reloadable brass, and it often costs less then lesser quality brass does. If you already have brass, use what you got. I have mixed headstamp brass I reload for some of my lead launchers, and it works until it splits then it goes in the recycle bin.

Anyway hope that gives you a weee bit of a jumping off point. i won't point you at primers as well..... people get fierce about their primer loyalties. :D I have used just about every brand and I can honestly say once I have tailored a load to a primer brand/size it performs for me, and I don't worry about anything else. If I change brands I rework the load just to be on the safe and accurate side.

Good shootin' and God Bless


08-10-2013, 10:30 AM
I reload for the .40S&W, but since I load for plinking I can't really say if it would be good for you.

I use a 165g bullet (whatever I can get in bulk cheap up here in the 'north') I would have to check on the amount, but I do use unique powder.

Now that said, one of the gun magazines just had a article on reloading the .40, but I can't remember which one, but it is a current issue.

08-10-2013, 02:44 PM
thanks for the info I guess I will do what I always do start light and work my way up until I get what I want. Thanks again guys and or gals.

08-12-2013, 08:53 AM
Just keep in mind that if you use reloads for home defense and you become the next Zimmerman, shooting reloads is just something else you need to defend. I always use factory loads for self defense.