View Full Version : Well did a small show this last weekend

09-16-2013, 09:47 PM
In terms of the number of people etc one of the worst I have ever done. They told me they had 264 people through the doors on Sat and Sunday. As far as sales I did ok.

People were NOT buying guns however. I sold a lot of primers and powder. some ammo..well quite a bit. Price of 22s is coming down..or at least what people are willing to pay for a brick..about 45 bucks at this show. The big powder asnd primer dealer in the area had no product and didn't show. But luckily I and a friend at another table had some powder enough to keep the buyers satisfied. She had some slightly lower prices on some but I had powder she didn't..like CFE 223 Superformance and Leverevolution. CFE 223 is impossible to find here. PO'ed a couple of people when I allocated one pound per person. One fellow that didn't want to pay my asking price and wanted 2 lbs...got none. Extremely annoyed is an understatement. Money must really be tight cause almost no gun sales..not even handguns. People did want to trade but not much going on in that vein either. Bought a few items..not all that many. No moulds etc. Got some dies bullets and such items but I usually buy at least 1500-2000 bucks worth of stuff and it just wasn't there. One Item I did get..well two.. A set of early S&W target grips for 20 bucks. Already sold for 225.. And I got a nice "set" of grips for a Browning Medalist pistol. One beautiful one piece grip for a beautiful pistol. Otherwise one of the worst shows I have done in quite a while..and with what went on this morn in DC..probably going to be getting in the go crazy mood again...:confused::rolleyes:

09-17-2013, 07:01 AM
What standard 22 has been selling for a little over $50. Not being a 22 shooter or shooter of any sort I am not up on what 22 ammo is what.

Some of what must be the high dollar stuff to begin with is still going for around $80.

I was a a huge flea market on Labor Day. Only saw only one guy selling much ammo and he wanted $56 for 22. Kinda got ticked when I laughed and walked away.

Only 22's I have are a $24 dollar Herters single six revolver that I bought in the 60's. It has not been shot it years.

The other is what I think is a Garcia Bronco break down single shot 22, The gun has no markings except 22 on it. Nothing more than a metal frame that breaks apart into two parts. Bought it for the trap line aftter I got tired of jumping through the hoops to carry the revolver on the trap line. Seem like it cost around $30. Saw acouple at a chow one time that had $160 on them.

09-17-2013, 09:20 PM
Man Multi..you are declaring your age. Bought a brick of 22s at Cabela's today..under 22 bucks. first I have seen on the shelf in ages.

Now guys..hold onto yer hats..after yesterday they are talkin all that gun control crap again.. 3rd shooting in a gun free zone in a short period of time.. We are in for it again

09-18-2013, 05:33 AM
Man Multi..you are declaring your age. Bought a brick of 22s at Cabela's today..under 22 bucks. first I have seen on the shelf in ages.

Now guys..hold onto yer hats..after yesterday they are talkin all that gun control crap again.. 3rd shooting in a gun free zone in a short period of time.. We are in for it again

Ya no sping chicken any more. Feeling it, as the body is about shot. Should have got a nice office job except I would havve gone nuts being locked up in a cubicle. To many years in construction have taken its toll.

I think I posted this before but I am freinds with a guy that owns a sport shop in a small town north of Grand Rapids Michigan. When he got the first 22's after this whole mess started his whosale price on a 50 rd box only went up 43 cents.

He also said that there was an auction just down the road a couple weeks ago. The IDIOTS were paying $80 a brick at the auction.

EDIT EDIT Just caught part of it on the news this am. I think it was CBS. They were not talking about the gun but about the screw up that that jerk still had his security clearance. Also how they were rushing through giving out security clearances and not doing a thorugh job.

09-18-2013, 09:25 AM
Pelosi is screaming more gun control as are several others. And Biden. We are probably in for another hard ride. Glad I ain't any spring chikin..young'uns are gonna lose the rights they have now..when these politicians get done with us

09-19-2013, 04:46 AM

From what I saw the shooting was done with a shot gun.

09-28-2013, 11:44 PM
Didn't know wether to start a new post..but. Went to a fairly large show in Great Falls Mt yesterday..didn't buy any guns but lots of littles. Bought 12 bullet moulds and 3 were Hensley and Gibbs..all had handles. Got lots of bullets even .224s and 30's. And I never pay a lot for bullets. 8 sets of reloading dies..in many calibers and lots of littles. Found some large pistol primers for 25 bucks..I was amazed. Then today I went to a local gun(and accessories) auction. Bid on a bunch of guns. Almost got the bid on a really nice Springfield 03...won the bid on a Ruger 77 in 7x57 Mauser. Only made it for a year or so. And got the bid on a Marlin 39..in exc condition. 15 boxes of 38 spec ammo for about 10 bucks a box 10 boxes of 45 Auto military for 10 a box.. and quite a few bullets for reloading. Some dies etc. More stuff to sell at the next show..cept the Ruger..think I will keep it Got 3 boxes of factory ammo for it too.. 145 gr Winchester.. usually only see 175s. Saw a really nice Win 95 in 405 Winchester. Went cheap too, I thought, at 1600 bucks. It was seriously a 90% gun.. Guns are still not selling really well. Elk season starts on Tuesday.. I may even go. We had snow on the mountains lest few days. down to about 7000 ft. We hunt at 8500 to 9500 ft. Brrr..gonna be cold up there..

11-07-2013, 10:51 AM
Skeet, I got a flyer in the mail for an auction you are probably going to. "Denny Benson Retirement Sale". Looks like there are a lot of goodies for gunsmiths. Wish I was a little closer.

11-07-2013, 11:46 AM
Yep..Gotta go to that one. He has a few things i may be interested in. I think the gunsmiting stuff will not go real high. Anything you need? I am going to go to the preview on Friday. Most of the stuff he has for gunsmithing is in pretty good shape. I think the choke tube installation thingie is a Carlson..not in business now.. but chokes are still available. I know where there are about 500 new ones. I was interested in the 1885 Browning even if it is a 45-70. . It was too high in the store..by far. but we will see. Auctions are sometimes crazy. If you still have my number and you may need something give me a call. I can pick it up for you.