View Full Version : Where can a fellow get Amish repellant?

10-08-2013, 09:19 AM
This is something most people within the Country do not understand, because it has not landed upon their shores. But it one day will. Amish is the fastest growing cult within the united states today. But no one joins the Amish! How is this possible? Because every Amish family quintuples within 7 years. And they are about to single handedly destroy hunting as we know it.

The Amish represent themselves as a peaceful Christian lot who choose to live a simple life, shunning the trappings of modern conveniences.

The reality of it is many of them have cell phones, they travel in automobiles regularly, drink alcohol, smoke like chimneys, and as a former Sherriff's deputy I can tell you I have arrested many for shoplifting.
None of that is what upsets me though. What upsets me is they have infiltrated my hunting areas.
For decades I have helped farmers and land owners by clearing lanes, maintaining fences, removing poison ivy, and any other task they need done. I have done so to earn the privilege of hunting their land. I am not a selfish individual and have turned many others on to this land. However in recent years the Amish have moved in! They show up at the land owners home with all 15 of their children in tow. The children stand there smiling sweetly with a sad look in their eyes as there Dad asks permission to hunt, telling how he can really use the deer meat to feed his family. Often the land owner feel sorry for them and grants permission.

Now up until this point I don not have a problem with any of that. However once they gain permission they move in. They walk the property looking for good hunting spots. If they choose a spot it will matter not weather or not you have a stand within 25 yards of that spot they are going to set up there regardless. You cannot reason with them. If you attempt to explain that they are entirely too close and it will most likely ruin any chance either of you have. They will stand there and repeat over and over again “you don’t own this property“. As if too ignorant to understand that sharing the land and hogging it up are too different things.
I had a trail camera come up missing so I set a camera high in a tree facing down at another trail camera which was on a tree beside my ladder stand. One nice Sunday afternoon I went to check my cameras to see what was moving through the area.. As I approached the location I could see the camera was missing. I retrieved the SD card from the other camera high in the tree, thinking I got the crook now. As I went through the pictures on the SD card not only did I find the Amish man who took the other camera. But to my surprise I had pictures of him urinating on the ladder to my stand. Now I know that rarely spooks deer away. But I somehow think he did not. All just before bow season.

Once gun season comes they gather around the bedding area and begin to drive it, shooting everything that moves, day after day they will drive and drive it until there are no deer left on the property to kill. Then they spend the rest of the season quietly hunting their own property.

Oh, you can ask them to hunt their property. I have, never has one of them given me permission. They all say the same exact thing. I am saving that for my children.

Go figure!!!!

10-08-2013, 10:45 AM
Well I will have to answer this myself as I have had some interaction with the Amish. If for some reason you have a place NEXT to an Amish farm..you will have NOTHING to hunt. They kill it all anytime of the year on their property. And they are not subject to game laws I guess. Game wardens do not mess with them. They are after all a kindly group of people. Now I like the Amish.seriously. But they rented the farm in Md across from me. Killed everything. If it looked like a deer..walked like a deer or talked like a deer..they shot it...especially if it had ANY kind of rack. Talked with them about ruining the deer herd..Told me they rented the farm and they would shoot what they wanted. Now being from Pa they were there during the deer seasons. I lived there and told 'em that. Guy actually said..well so what(his exact words). So I told 'em since I lived there 24-7-365 if they wanted any bucks to hunt they'd better cut back on the killing of the little ones or I would kill 'em all...cause at one time or another those same deer came to my side of the fence. Then they complained to the guy that they rented from and we had a talk. Here is what he did. He told 'em every deer they shot they had to have mounted..except for the first two does. If it was a button buck..it had to be mounted . If they cheated..they lost the lease and all monies they had paid. Since I lived right there..I could go check on these guys..in the agreement with them. Oh my gosh..at more than 300 bucks to mount one..they stopped shootin 'em all. and the deer herd actually came back to it';s former glory. By the way.. I had the waterfowl and quail hunting rights on the farm..and those guys just hated the fact that they couldn't shoot the geese. But after a rollin around period they realized the limits on them were serious...one got fined more than 700 bucks for shooting 4 geese over there when the limit was only one. I made it happen and they immediately got the message..but I didn't call the local game wardens... I called the feds... a number of whom I knew. When it came to costing money..they really got the message and shortly after the workin it out period..they realized it was in their best interests and started finding bucks that were worth mounting. Otherwise the Amish are ok. They think we are godless people but know they came make good money off of us..Go to Pa in Amish country in the summer..They really enjoy makin money off the touristas. And the young guys really like to chase the non Amish girls..LOL. And as far as being honest..well..like most people. Some are only as honest as they need to be. Like most other people.

10-08-2013, 08:04 PM
Oh I have stories to tell too since I grew up around and still live around Amish country. I've seen them in droves in gun season with organized deer drives, fishing out the local's ponds...oh and don't forget Amish "date night"
On Sunday evenings. Please don't get me started on this subject!

10-08-2013, 10:23 PM
petey. where is pitch Pine pa, Not familiar with that.

Adam Helmer
10-09-2013, 03:43 PM

SO, WHAT is the rest of your story? IF you had camera evidence and you are a deputy Sheriff, did you "snap" cuffs on the Amish miscreant?? If not, why not? As a fellow lawman, I wonder what you were waiting for, eh, wot?

Ich kenne viele Deutsche Volk. I know Amish and they are a bit like us: You can find good and bad everywhere. Did you go to your District Magistrate for a Warrant for your trail camera? Let's hear how you repelled future Amish camera thieves.


10-20-2013, 11:28 AM
Deer and bear season at a few of our 'past' great spots was taken over too. Once while in a stand bear hunting, 3 truck loads of them came along with trailers in tow. They climbed trees in a row about 50 yards apart making sort of a fence by me. The rest drove the woods. Nothing got past them. Archery woods same thing. They past me in a line almost holding hands driving everything to their posters. A few deer manages somehow to slip past but for the next 7 years, not 1 deer was caught on my trail cameras or a track to be found. We are lucky though that a few that own farms will let us small game hunt back in the day. Lots were friendly and most were nice. However, again, deer/bear season?.. You don't stand a chance. NOW, that isn't the only problem we have around my neck of the woods. We have problems with a few with the $$$ in pockets that are buying up everything and posting. One guy hates hunters/hunting and has just this year purchased the last of the 100acre woods we could get to for deer. Now is closed too.. One road where I grew up on is posted for about 4 miles both sides of the road. These are NOT Amish either. Then there is the butthead that purchased many acres x the road from me that does hunt. 3 years ago he bragged to others how he took 23 deer out of there. Now trail cameras up behind me on my property showed only 2 little doe and one momma all summer. Not a critter to be found... So it goes like this. We are loosing hunting property by the tons every year. Highway, condos, Mine keep out signs. So for the first time in my life and I am 62 have I thought of giving up hunting. I can sit in my yard with my kids and my guns and 'hunt'. Will see same as if in the woods around here. Gamelands 285 in Pa is only 1/2 mile from me and that is where hunters have to go now. .... to take their rifle for a walk in the woods. Nothing lives there. Oh well. this post just gets my hackles up all over. Not only loosing land to posting but slobs too. Took my daughter out Saturday archery. Had a nice lunch / coffee in the woods and lots of laughs of stories in the past. Seen NOTHING.. so far anyhow.

10-31-2013, 06:47 PM
Just today while getting car inspected I met a guy that was showing his pictures he got on his trail camera. Then he started to brag how the farmer died that would not let anyone on the property but now his wife let him post her farm for her giving him only the right to hunt on it. Was saying how hard a time he is having keeping everyone off it. Now I had to tell him I hope he didn't think he was impressing me by posting 200 acres of someone else's property and eliminating more hunting land for others. I also told him that I have had no problem calling the game warden for hunter harassment from confrontations with anyone trying to kick me off someone elses land when I have written permission from the property owner. Did it 2 times in as many years. Just did not impress me with his bragging of private hunting spot.

11-08-2013, 02:59 AM
The problem with prosecuting lies in that I do not have pictures of the individuals face. Somewhat of a profile but not enough to clearly identify the perp. As a "former" deputy I now have no authority to slap the cuffs on anyone. It is very difficult to get a prosecuting attorney to do anything without extremely sound irrefutable evidence.

I never said the Amish are all bad, but I will venture to say that the vast majority are selfish. They think everything on the earth is there for them and the take all they can. They will silicate every hand out they can get and take them shamelessly. They are like ticks and once they get their head under your skin the only way to remove them is to pluck them off before they suck the lifeblood out of your community. They contribute very little to the community at large, or country. A filthy lot for the most part.

Ich kann Deutsch zu sprechen, und ich kenne auch viele Deutsche Menschen. Neben Französisch, Italienisch, Japanisch und viele andere. Ihrer Nationalität hat nichts damit zu tun! Es hat mit einem Groop zu tun, die sich anfühlt, die Welt ist hier für sie, die sie berechtigt sind, alle nehmen, was, die Sie wollen, dass nichts für andere, zu verlassen, wie ein Hort der Heuschrecke alles auf ihrem Weg zu konsumieren, und dann weiterziehen, sie folgen kommunistischen Lebensstil nicht berücksichtigt für die Freigabe, es sei denn, sie sind mehr als ihren gerechten Anteil erhalten haben.