02-10-2014, 01:14 PM
From across the pond. Have hunted Hohenfels before, always have a great time, even though this year came out on the short end of the stick. Had opportunities to shoot both a Hirsch and a Boar, however, break time from 1200 to 1215 meant no shooting because those who had shot would be down and out field dressing their game, and that is exactly the timeframe they went by me. Impressive Strecke, first day 65 animals and the second day another 91 for a two day hunt of 156 animals, mostly Red deer, but quite a few boar and Roe deer also. This area only hunted a few times in the fall, the rest of the year it is left alone. As you know, any day in the woods is a good day :)
The view from Hohenfels, I was in the Kanzel "Schoene Ausschischt" or a literal translation of "Nice View", can't argue with that.
Strecke from Day 1
Strecke from Day 2
The view from Hohenfels, I was in the Kanzel "Schoene Ausschischt" or a literal translation of "Nice View", can't argue with that.
Strecke from Day 1
Strecke from Day 2