View Full Version : United Kingdom Muntjac

02-21-2014, 01:38 PM
Drove over to the UK for a little hunting, just over a weekend. The weather was wicked, howling wind and sideways rain. A lot of water laying in the fields and low areas flooded. But was with a group and we enjoyed a good time. Anytime out in the woods is a good time. I used an R93 in 243 Win, 90gr Accubonds. They were more than enough for these little Muntjac.

Driving into the Chunnel Train on the way to UK.


One morning I saw tons of birds, pheasant, crow, geese, ducks, doves, etc. Was a spectacular bird show. Too bad I didn't have a shotty :)

Muntjac are quite an interesting deer, and very small. Seems like they are always on the move so you don't have time to ponder your shot, if you got it, take it. This one was moving through pretty thick woods so I got in front in a small 2 foot opening and let him walk into an Accubond.

I was able to shoot three one evening.

Heading back.

Entering the Chunnel.

35 minute train ride sure beats 3 hours on a Ferry. I'll NEVER forget a Ferry ride across Lake Michigan back in the 60's . . . during a bad storm . . . thot we were going down that night! Was prayin' up a storm while hugging the toilet with both hands.

02-21-2014, 03:01 PM
Looks like lots of fun they make great scull mounts.
Is that a blaser gun I have never seen one up close they look neat can you change out the barrels on that one ?
I would love to do that great job Dom thanks for posting the pics.

02-22-2014, 07:06 AM
Changing out barrels is a great benefit on a truly modular outfit. I have a few barrels, about 2 minutes max on changing out and no sighting in required. Great travel outfit, and broke down fits in a short Pellican.

I know the price is higher than your average bear, but you don't have to do a thing to it. Not like buying a Remy and then having to do 1k worth of upgrades, and you still only got one barrel.

Here's a 300WM and a 243 that has done some traveling.

02-22-2014, 02:45 PM
Do you have to stay with a short rounds for short action or can you change out to a long round.
I have seen the Thompson and they are long or short only.

02-22-2014, 03:05 PM
No limit on calibers short or long with same action, but the bolthead is changed out for different size case heads. A standard bolt head would shoot your 243, 25-06, 6,5 270, 30-06, 9,3 etc size cases. For magnum caliber group have to switch out to a magnum bolthead.

Here's a caliber group overview: http://www.blaser.de/fileadmin/editor/caliber-pdf/Blaser_Calibers_Bolt_Action_R93_EN.pdf

02-23-2014, 06:33 PM
Those are cool I will need to look at them a liitttle harder on line

02-23-2014, 08:19 PM
Dom does any one youse a lever action gun I have not seen many just one on a driven hunt on YouTube I think it was Poland .

02-24-2014, 10:30 AM
Wrenchman, Lever actions are rather rare, but I have seen a few on drive hunts. 9 out of 10 are 45-70, with the odd 307 Big Bore thrown in. On drive hunts 90%+ are bolt actions, with the remaining semi-autos or drillings.

The action is either feast or famine, and when a group of boar comes you only got a short time to make the most of it. My best effort was I shot 3 in about 5 seconds as they ran past, and that was with an R93 in 30-06 and a red dot sight where you can shoot both eyes open.

I keep waiting for the pig 'splosion to hit Michigan . . . :)


02-24-2014, 03:39 PM
Lol yea I think you will be waiting a while I no of one person that has killed any .
The former gov had it in for the shooting preserves.

07-02-2017, 12:04 PM
Those are some cool deer Dom. I was in camp with a group of Brit's recently. We discussed all the exotics found in the UK. That's a hunt I hope to make some day. Thanks for sharing.