03-03-2014, 11:41 PM
Well I had been working at this church for a few weeks and we had a few guys come in to finish up some of the stone work. I got to talking to them and found out that one of the guys was from El Salvado. Everyone called him Zues so I asked him if that was his real name he said no. I asked him what his real name was and he said Jesus and about twelve other names that I can not even begin to spell. Well as you all know in Spanish the J is and H and the e is and a when followed by....... well anyway long story but I'll get to the point. Things were getting to crunch time and we were waiting for some orders to coming and the big boss man said he was loosing money on this job. So everyone was getting a little on edge, the phone rings and I hear the voice say "Is Jesus there?" Me, "A... well..... l..." The Voice,"Just have him text Me." Me,"I do not think he works that way." The Voice,"No dummy the Stone Mason not the Carpenter!"