View Full Version : well heck this is new....

04-18-2014, 01:03 AM
So I went to full length resize some 30 Remington (not AR) brass today the same way i have other brass in a correct rcbs die. Rubbed it down with Hornady unique case lube and tried to resize the first case. It was HARD to resize. I thought.... weird never had a bottleneck case be THAT hard to resize. Second case was the same. Third case the torque on the press snapped the bench block in half for my lee bench mounting kit..... I mean IN HALF. I have to remount the old RCBS master reloader press on a new block. WHAT THE HECK!? NEVER had that kinda torque resizing ANY brass in my life. I decided to try a piece of the brass in my old lee classic loader (hammer and die kit) and I COULDN'T hammer the brass into the die! This is fairly old Remington Peters brass, but DANG! I am thinking in the back of my limited knowledge reloadin brain that maybe I need to wipe all this brass down and try to anneal it first. Anybody experience this or have a clue what the heck is going on here?

Thanks WAY in advance.


04-18-2014, 05:13 PM
Not a clue, GOB.
I suppose I would check to make sure I was using the correct die, correct shellholder (some old shellholders were shorter than current ones), and correct brass. Might take the decapping rod out of that sizing die and take a good look inside.
I am not familiar with the case lube you are using. Some of the spray lubes instruct you to squirt some inside the sizing die before you size the first case (also sprayed). Folks forget the squirt into the die part and run into trouble.
That you has similar problems with another die is very puzzling.
Try another lube, maybe?
I like the spray lubes as well as Imperial Sizing Die Wax. Some folks use STP on a lube pad, or pure lanolin rubbed on with your finger.
Check the brass for anything inside it, too.
If everything checks out, I think I would take the decapping stem out of the sizing die, lube a case up good, including the inside of the neck, and try again, without forcing anything.

04-18-2014, 06:51 PM
Alrighty so I tried a couple of pieces that I hadn't tried to resize in this new die yet in my old hammer style dies and I WAS able to reform them. I am thinking you are on the right track Jack, after this weekend (got alot of family coming in) I am going to strip down this new rcbs die and see what I can figure out here. This is just..... weird.....



Dan Morris
04-18-2014, 07:21 PM
No clue, only time I had anything close was a batch of 7.62 GI.Had been fired in a M60. Took a small base die to size em!

04-19-2014, 04:21 AM
Sounds to me..and don't take it to the bank.. 30 cal die..possibly a 32 cal neck sizing button. Or undersize neck and regular 30 sizing button on the decapping rod. Saw that happen once..or twice. Case goes in....Hard.....then not wanna come out.. Hey Dan..a friend had a whole lotta 7.62 brass that had been shot in a GE gun..even with small base dies. it would size down..then slowly spring back to too large for most anything.. Wouldn't chamber in an M1A anyway..

04-25-2014, 02:24 PM
BTW...Unique case lube IS pure lanolin. Good stuff too. I had 3 or 4 little tubs of it. Momma said she needed something to put on her feet. Gave her one of the little tubs..darn woman confiscated all my lube.. Told her not to use my Imperial. Said it was poisonous so she leaves it alone LOL Wonder if she ever thought about how I get it on a case?? Ummm duh!!

Dan Morris
04-25-2014, 03:02 PM
Sounds to me..and don't take it to the bank.. 30 cal die..possibly a 32 cal neck sizing button. Or undersize neck and regular 30 sizing button on the decapping rod. Saw that happen once..or twice. Case goes in....Hard.....then not wanna come out.. Hey Dan..a friend had a whole lotta 7.62 brass that had been shot in a GE gun..even with small base dies. it would size down..then slowly spring back to too large for most anything.. Wouldn't chamber in an M1A anyway..

I was trying to put them through a Mod 70....real pita. They loaded fine after
the sizing.

04-25-2014, 10:27 PM
Hey GOB..Another thought..could those rounds have been loaded as 32 Rems last time. Same case..different neck..LOL

Dan A fellow called me today from Delaware. He bought a Win 64 Featherweight in 243..having trouble chambering 243 reloads.. Told him to use his brothers SB 308 die with the de-capping rod out..Worked just fine.. Just got off the phone with me.. He is now a happy camper and..becoming a true reloader..with all the troubles that brings..

04-26-2014, 12:28 AM
Been feelin too bad to get back to the bench this week. Nope them weren't never 32's. My 30 caliber hand deprimer from my lee classic loader ALMOST won't go into the neck of them. Fits a 30-30 just peachy keen. Dunno Good Lord willin' maybe I can get back to the bench soon.


05-27-2014, 04:48 PM
If old memory serves me right, the Old Rem #8 was used by LEO for decades and in 30-32 and 35 Rem. Seems like I saw some shot in a well worn old prison guard gun that split necks with just about every shot. Could be it was shot in a well worn chamber or a rusted up, refinished chamber.