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View Full Version : Finding Shells woes....

06-01-2014, 08:25 PM
I know I do this every year in spring and in fall. But I gotta pull out the soapbox here and complain about the lack of BASIC shotgun shells. Remington use to make a GL206 20 gauge shells, Winchester called it XU206, Federal Called it h2006, and Estate called it GTL206. This is just a 2 3/4" 7/8 ounce #6 load. That's all I need for squirrel season (which JUST ended) for both spring and fall. You think I can find any? Heck no... I can find potloads of #7 1/2 #8 etc, but NOT #6. The only place that has anything NEAR that is RST, but by the time you pay $11 a box plus chipping and damaging you would have to order at least a case or two just to come out, and I can't afford that. I have a lee 20 loader, but not a single component left to use in it, AND I am still REAL shaky about shotshell reloading. IE I don't know a hole from my elbow when it comes to shotshell reloads. Metallic yes, shotshells nope...

I dunno, you can't convince me that the "ammo shortage" in the US is caused by the goberment buying up squirrel rounds.... Nor does it justify paying $11+ a box for shells that five years ago I was paying $3.97 a box for.

Anyway that's my soapbox. Just wanted to vent..... I know same old same old with GOB.


06-02-2014, 07:01 PM

Shotshell reloading is easier than metallic. seriously. But ya still need shot powder primers and wads. Oh and empty cases..not those crap shells ya been shooting. Remington STS or Win AAs. Much easier to use and to find components for. For your load..a Winchester 209 primer. 15.5 grains of Unique. Remington RXP 20 wad. And for shot..#6 Magnum shot..not the cheap stuff..good magnum type shot...or even better..Lawrence copper plated #6s...for skwerls I prefer copper plated Magnum 5s..as for the powder..for a bit more velocity you can go to 16 grains of Unique..or look at Hodgdon Longshot..can't give you a load off the top of my head..but it will get you much velocity. Not being a snob..but ditch the Lee and find a good used Mec 600. You can adjust it to load good lookin good shootin shells. If we were close to each other I'd give ya one to use..and some components too. I have more than 25 full cases of 20 ga loaded here..but not many with 5s. I also use 5s for fessints(southern for pheasants). I almost always use the 20 ga for hunting any more. cept fer waterfowl...and bear protection..

As far as prices..I surely can't help you with that but I truly believe there is a conspiracy of sorts on ammo and components..gummit..maybe. they do want us disarmed...ammo companies..maybe they will milk higher prices as long as they can...but also think there are other factors raw materials metal prices and GUMMIT regulation. Look at oil. We are swimming in our own US produced oil and we still buy foreign oil at ridiculously inflaterd prices.. It ain't a global economy so much as a global political climate...Soap box??? We don't need no steenking soap box!!

06-07-2014, 04:43 AM
Wish I could afford to do that, I really do. But it just isn't an option at this point.

Anyway thanks for the advice, sorry it took so long to respond.
