View Full Version : Birmingham 11, 12 October

09-16-2014, 11:00 AM
There will be a show at the Colosseum on the 11 and 12th but the DOT, I have been told, has closed the area under the overpass for parking.

04-02-2015, 02:40 PM
Had a good show and there was a lot of components to buy, a lot of powder, primers and bullets, plus bags of brass. Took one gun, a restored Boys Model Take Down Winchester M-60 rifle. I had hauled it to 4 shows, not even a nibble. So I did a full restoration including the old Win steam rust blue, stock redone in Win red stain and lacquer, it looked as new, sold/traded the little gun in 15 minutes to an older fellow that had one growing up and wanted this one as a present for his great grandson.