View Full Version : 22 Long Rifle Ammo Where Is it?
05-26-2015, 09:52 AM
where is the 22lr ammo? Yes, I know I can go and spend $8-$20 for a box of 50, all day, every day, most of it is imported from Europe. Where is Winchester, CCI, Big Green, Federal and the rest. I do not want to spend 15 to 50 cents a shell. There is no reason for this except for the myth. They say that they are making just as much or more than ever. Really? I have to call BS on that. It does not take a rocket scientist to do the math and find out that if they were truly making just as much or more than be for there would be some bulk ammo out there. Unless you what to pay more than center fire ammo for 22 LR. The facts do not support the claims of CCI making 4 million rounds/day, 80,000, 50 round boxes a day, and that is just CCI, so where is it? Then if we add in Olin, and Remington in lets just day that it is 125,000 boxes/50/day and we can not get any of it. Some one got some explaining to do?
I have to call BS! On the manufactures, the writers and the industry as a whole!!! :mad:
Dan Morris
05-26-2015, 05:28 PM
LGS ?????? I've had some success at garage sales...but, ya gotta ask and be observant....look around garage for hanging items...camping/hunting/outdoor stuff. I have been very lucky in looking at senior citizens surviving partner disposing of late partners stuff., you will be shocked at some of the stuff they will let you look through!
I've been very lucky on ammo/guns/cast iron stuff.Good luck.
05-26-2015, 07:05 PM
sports mans guied just listed some
06-06-2015, 06:41 PM
We have a Bass Pro and a new Cabelas. They seem to have a decent supply of 22lr (us made). Its pricey but if you need it go ahead and buy it.
07-01-2016, 06:48 AM
I am not saying for a moment, that the supply/demand issue with rimfire ammo has been solved, but..........
While shopping last week, in several gun shops, both big box and local, in the Miami and Ft. Lauderdale area, I found a surfeit of both .17 and .22 rimfire ammo. Including .22 Magnum in a variety of packs and brands.
Gil Martin
07-05-2016, 02:23 PM
The prices are much higher than I am willing to pay. Fortunately, I stocked up before the massive price spikes. All the best...
07-05-2016, 05:00 PM
dunhams had some the other day i picked up some 22 mag also
Gil Martin
10-04-2016, 04:33 AM
Yesterday I was in a local gun shop and they had a good supply of .22 l.r. ammo and most of it was very expensive. Then I noticed Winchester Super X hollow point bulk packs of 233 rounds for $16.99 (about $.07 a round). They only had nine bulk packs and had just put them out. I asked if they were still enforcing their three box limit on .22 l.r. ammo. No limits were being enforced so I bought six of the bulk packs. That left three bulk packs for someone else. All the best...
10-04-2016, 06:48 AM
Well I keep my eyes out for reasonably price 22 ammo but never find it. Was cleaning out the garage the other day... in an attempt to be able to achieve the American dream.... being able to park a car in it. Back in the corner were 3 empty(so I thought) 50 cal ammo cans. Pulled 'em out and low and behold they were ones I had bought at Cabela's before the ammo crunch. 2100 rounds in each... plus the can and the cost was 58 bucks each out the door. Under 15 bucks for each 525 bulk box of Federal 22 HP ammo. I bought a big bunch and sold 'em at gun shows for 18 bucks and the cans sold for 15 each... for a net profit of 27 dollars a can. Wish I had all 50 cans now!
Gil Martin
10-04-2016, 04:41 PM
I like a story with a happy ending. All the best...
10-05-2016, 01:40 AM happy ending is I have 6300 rounds of decent 22 ammo to play with. I also found 500 rounds of CCI 22 mag in the garage. I thought it had been stolen off the front porch...I have a loading bench out there to use in the summer. I must have put it in the garage..and with oldtimer's, I forgot?? I recently bought a nice S&W M-48 at an auction...first year gun too..and I had an extra 22 cylinder banging around a drawer..So I fit it to the gun...took a little work but just a bit of time. I also had a friend give my wife a Ruger BH 357 for her to carry in her truck or around the ranch. When I attempted to load was a 9mm...LOL. Found a 357 cylinder fit it to the gun and now the gun is a convertible again. He couldn't find the cylinder..perfect for a vehicle or carrying on a 4 wheeler ..4 5/8 inch gun..Shoots good too
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