View Full Version : Reminder to Lock Them

Dan Morris
11-11-2015, 01:07 PM
Went out this morning and noticed the RF door to my Jimmy slightly ajar.
Contents of console were dumped in drivers seat. Every one around here knows I hunt/shoot and carry....my thoughts, looking for pistol. My cc doesn't stay in car....on body or on night stand.
We all know to lock em......reminder, it only takes once!

11-12-2015, 09:15 PM
Man I hate a damn thief. I live out in the woods, don't have to worry too much about locking stuff up. But I lived in the big city long enough to always be vigilant about what is going on.

Adam Helmer
11-13-2015, 12:48 PM

I always lock my truck at home, at church, at Walmart and whenever I am out of the vehicle. Further, I have absolutely NO NRA stickers or gun club or hunting club decals on any window. I never leave any ear muffs, ammo boxes, gun cases or anything gun related in plain view on the back seat of the vehicle.

I have a yard light on both sides of the garage, a dog and several driveway monitors that annunciate if any vehicle or person walks on my driveway or yard. Those monitors cost about $100 per pair, use a 9-volt battery and have a wireless range of 1,000 feet from monitor to home base station.
