View Full Version : Wild Boar Shotgun Shell Repellant?
Adam Helmer
01-05-2016, 06:49 PM
My neighbor has a large Boar Farm. He has to go into a large boar pen and wants a shotgun non-lethal repellant. He asked me to load up some rock salt 12 gauge loads since he does not reload. I suggested other short range "Persuader" loads. I like pure research and put together a few alternative "Stinger" loads for 300-500 pound porkers with an attitude.
Who has a thought for a payload to turn away a big boar? I have a batch of non-lethal 12 gauge loads to test at first light tomorrow. All loads are non-lead as the boars are a cash crop for my neighbor.
I will report back on the test results in the pig pen....
01-06-2016, 06:59 AM
Rubber ball loads.... you can turn a bull, or a big hog pretty quick when you are bouncing those off of his noodle....
look up less than lethal rubber 12 gauge
01-06-2016, 08:51 AM
A buddy of mine in the RCMP used bean bag loads out of his service 12ga for black bears. Prob would work on boars as well.
01-06-2016, 11:58 AM
my dad would smack them in the nose with a 2x4 and they would run to the other side of the pin he would keep it right next to the gate and when they would see it they would all stay back.
Adam Helmer
01-06-2016, 01:50 PM
I found out popcorn seeds, lentil beans and dried peas do not work. It seems the payload is too light for the powder to burn properly. I use AA wads and 700X, but the loads were all mouse burps!
I will search for those rubber balls and see how that works out.
01-12-2016, 03:42 AM
Try Bulls-eye powder with a red Winchester wad so you can get as much "shot" as you can get in the shell. Popcorn should be a good load. Try to get 3/4 to 7/8 ounce of small popcorn in the shell. 16 1/2 to 17 gr of Bulls-eye. Rocksalt is also hard to get to shoot well. 2f or 3 f black powder will also work with light loads. Just have to clean the gun
Adam Helmer
01-12-2016, 01:56 PM
Thanks for all the input. I found the BEST load at Walmart. I paid $20 for 10,000 plastic 6mm Air Soft pellets. I get 24 in a 12 gauge shell in a regular trap load wad ahead of my trap load powder charge. Using WW AA cases, I get a nice crimp and a great 20 yard pattern.
This weekend the acid test will be in the wild boar fenced enclosure.
Adam Helmer
01-19-2016, 06:34 PM
The Air Soft loads were 100% successful on even the biggest boars with an ATTITUDE! A fellow (human) on site was so impressed that he noted the recipe and will use the Non-lethal air soft balls for his home defense load. Whatever.
01-22-2016, 12:52 AM
You should never ever use a handload of any kind for home defense. If you ever have to go to court for using it you absolutely don't want to give any fuel to the fire of "it was specially made to blah therefore my client (the bad guy) should get everything because if he had used a regular load he wouldn't be injured now"
it's stupid, but it's true.
01-25-2016, 12:59 AM
Hog loads GOB
01-25-2016, 01:01 AM
Yeah but he said a fella on site took note of the load and will be using it for his home defense load now.....
That's the one I was talking about, not the guy poppin porkers...
Adam Helmer
01-25-2016, 02:55 PM
I hear what you say about handloads and I understand what you say. I have been involved with a few justifiable shootings in the past and the only issue was: Was deadly force necessary?" HOW the force was applied was moot.
In a nearby case a homeowner used an aluminum baseball bat to whack an armed midnight home invader and the bad guy died. NO criminal charges were lodged against the homeowner/victim. At civil court in the wrongful death suit the BG's family attorney said the homeowner "should have used a wooden baseball bat." The case was tossed out because the Question was the "Standing and Reasonableness of the use of deadly force."
In my home, use of reloads is protected by my state Castile Doctrine. IF a homeowner is prosecuted for midnight home defense with handloads, I would encourage all homeowners to SSS: Shoot, Shovel and Shut-up and wait for the next mope. Just saying... One more thing: Using Factory Ammo will NOT make a "Bad" shooting "Good." The legal test is: "Was deadly force necessary?" How the force is applied is up to the victim to determine.
That "don't use handloads for personal defense" thing has been around for 30 years or more.
I don't know that it has ever been used in court.
Adam Helmer
04-08-2016, 05:00 PM
Boar Load Update:
Yesterday morning a large raccoon, with a bad attitude, came into my front yard and was not impressed when I yelled at him from the front door. I got the nearby 12 gauge pump, inserted 2 Boar loads and stepped onto the porch. Two shots later, with the coon at 20 yards away, the issue became moot. The coon raced East and is probably now in the next township which means I do not have to dig a hole to bury same.
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