View Full Version : Reminder...Check your Outfitter

Dan Morris
02-21-2016, 09:17 AM
Most of us know this. Colorado DOW is finding a surge of illegal hunts.
Be sure you know exactly how much acreage your outfitter has. Is this a baited
hunt? Exactly what services you are going to get.....camp/food/services/horse/foot hunt/care of meat.....
These are generally common sense but you need to check....as hunting is getting expensive, scam deals are growing.

02-21-2016, 03:49 PM
yea i know a guy that was hunting bears in oregon the guid didnt have a lic for the area they were hunting after the dnr shut them down he had to sue to get his money back and it was eat up by lawyers.

02-21-2016, 04:56 PM
yup.....getting burned HURTS!

05-25-2016, 02:14 PM
I was next door in Argentina when an outfitter, doing a national magazine hunt, got picked up in the field for no permits by the federal police. They arrested the hunters and confiscated their guns...... his write up was not exactly as expected after that fiasco. After about 5 year I just got an ad from him to come shoot..... yeah right.
Check you hunt out carefully.