View Full Version : Wakie--Wakie

Dan Morris
04-08-2016, 09:56 AM
Col Parks and Wildlife advises that bears are coming alive again.Early campers just secure camp sites and trash. Estimate is 60% of collared bears have left their dens.

Adam Helmer
04-08-2016, 05:46 PM

I just checked my trail cameras yesterday and our PA black bears are afoot and about. I was going to camp out in my West Woods at the leanto for our spring gobbler opener on April 30 until I saw two big bear droppings inside my leanto!

I will hike to the West Woods for the opener of Spring Gobbler rather than have a 500-pound bear snort in my shorts in the camp at midnight. Such thrills are reserved for the youth with better "tickers."


Dan Morris
04-08-2016, 08:56 PM
LOL, a few years back, I had my son up in the Routte Forrest on a spring
camping trip. We noticed some black tracks around where we pitched camp.....
Marc was nestled up against my back like a second skin! Had no bear encounters till the next day......he knew not to get between mama n cubs.
Brings back memories!

04-10-2016, 08:45 PM
I havent seen any in my travels as yet, I expect they should be about soon!!

04-11-2016, 10:01 AM
Put my bear baits out yesterday... no tracks were seen, but I expect they are around. Season opens here on the 15th, so hopefully I have something hitting by then.

Dan Morris
05-01-2016, 06:00 PM
Update, this morning, Eagle River Fire Dept extracted a black from a 2d story apt in Avon, Co, Theory....open window.

Yesterday, a cub made it's way out of a tree in Boulder and toddled off into the brush.