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Dan Morris
06-14-2016, 07:56 PM
Off brand 22 LR $88 a brick.....think I'll pass.......

Adam Helmer
06-15-2016, 03:02 PM
At our last, and biggest, gun show in Morris, PA on March 12, there were vendors who had 500-round "bricks" of .22 LR for $50 to $75.00 each. I did post three years ago here and suggested the hunters and shooters "Circle the wagons" and lay in a brick now and then.

I took my good advice and every month when my $103.00 Social Security check arrived, I put it into stuff. I have several bricks that cost $15 to $18 each. They shoot as well as $75 bricks, I assume.


Dan Morris
06-15-2016, 04:06 PM
Adam, I've got a 20MM can full of bricks....paid $8.00 each for em.They shoot just fine!

I lied.....can only has 10 bricks......rest is 45 ball.

Adam Helmer
06-16-2016, 10:31 AM

Obviously you "Circled your Wagon" quicker than most folks! As for old .22 ammo; about 10 years ago a neighbor gave me her deceased dad's ammo stash. She was paying me for plowing her gardens and bushogging her pasture.

In the footlocker was a brick of Winchester long rifle ammo and every one of the 10 boxes has stamped inside an end flap. "USMC May 1941." Another brick was the old green Remington dated 1941. Besides the bricks of ammo mentioned were a few loose boxes of .22 ammo; shorts, longs and long rifles. ALL fired reliably on the range.

Your 20MM can will out live us both. Be well.


Dan Morris
06-16-2016, 02:44 PM
Didn't circle any wagon...this is just part of the stuff I bought when buddy closed gun shop...15-16 years ago...reloading stuff/ammo...both kids and myself were shooting weekly....just way over estimated how much I bought! Oh well, it'll keep in the cans.....also, in the years of auto salvage, a LOT of stuff came out of cars!

George let me have all this stuff at cost.....plus. I think he threw a lot of stuff in!

Gil Martin
06-16-2016, 06:06 PM
I saw the dry spell coming years ago and starting buying Federal and Winchester bulk packs of .22 l.r. ammo at Wal-Mart. I started paying $8.96 a bulk pack. The prices started to edge upward past $10.00, $12.00. $15.00 and topped out at $20.00 per bulk pack. By that times I had filled several .30 caliber, .50 caliber and 20mm ammo cans. Looks like I have a lifetime supply. All the best...

06-21-2016, 11:42 AM
Well before the SHTF back a few years Cabela's had 4 525 boxes to a 50 cal ammo can on sale for 65.99. And I had a 10% off card. So I went in and bought 50 cans. The sales guy was incredulous when I told himI wanted 50 but thery loaded 'em in the truck and I used the Cabela's card to get points(which my wife used of course). My reasoning at the time was sell the ammo for 20 each and the real profit would come from the metal ammo cans. Then all of a sudden the SHTF and the value doubled almost overnight. I sold most of the 22s and more than 1/2 the ammo cans. for a tidy profit. The rest of the cans have either components such as bullets or ingots of lead for bullet casting. I made them up after I got almost 80 lbs of tin at a farm auction...for 37.50. Now I think I am going to start selling off most of the 6000 lbs of lead I have. The only thing I am using the 22 ammo for these days is getting rid of the hoard of rabbits I have around the place. The gummit trapper has lowered the yote population to the level of I heard ONE the other night. 22 ammo is still hard to find here and is selling at most gun shows and auctions at the 10 cents per round average rate. I have used almost 2 boxes of 22 LR on rabbits in the last 2 weeks...oh and one round on a rattle snake that took a poke at me on Sunday. Hateful critters.