View Full Version : Feeling Moosey

Dan Morris
11-14-2016, 07:28 AM
Seriously considering filing for a Moose Draw in 2017......odds are astronomic
but I see more Moose than Elk where we have been hunting.

11-14-2016, 06:18 PM
I have been applying for moose every year...astronomical here too.I also see many moose. But I also see many grizz while hunting..sometimes more than one a day. Wolves also.

Dan Morris
11-15-2016, 07:14 AM
Oh, I'll probably never draw a tag in my lifetime but I kinda want to try..
I've take deer/elk/antelope.......Dow finally has admitted the wolf exists....folks have been seeing them for years. Haven't seen any griz...haven't got the legs or lungs to try sheep/goat.

Adam Helmer
11-15-2016, 06:03 PM

YES, keep applying for a Moose Tag. I applied for moose tags every year I lived in NH, but never got a tag. Like skeet, I often saw NH moose while hunting out of the wonderful old deer camp, Kilkenny Lodge, in Milan, NH along the Ammounosic River southwest of Errol, NH.

Our PA bear season opens this Saturday, November 19. I have my tag.


Dan Morris
11-16-2016, 07:00 AM
Good luck on the bear....

11-27-2016, 11:34 AM
Never wanted to hunt bears. When in Alaska I had many chances to shoot blacks. Most I saw there were not large. The grizz on the other hand were numerous and while not extremely large(interior grizzlies) they were not afraid of you and somewhat belligerent. My chosen backup grizzly country gun has dispatched 2 at very close range. The bear season here lasts until you hit the quota numbers. Of course ya can't shoot grizzlies here even though they seem to be more numerous than blacks. I was up last week and saw 3 moose...bull cow and calf. The bulls are spooky..cows are ..curious... is a good word. The elk??? hard to get close too. Saw 2 but a bit far for my ol Winchester 71 348. I was hunting the black timber. They were moving up hill faster than I could crawl up that hill. LOL! Oh hell, what am I saying..they were walking up hill faster than I could if I had just thrown myself off the mountain downward!!

05-12-2017, 08:58 AM
Shot this bear in Newfoundland on a Moose hunt. I was the only one in camp that expressed a desire to have a Bear tag. Paid off big time! Got a young bull moose on the last morning at the last hour. Some of the best venison God put on this earth.