View Full Version : American Patriot Group

Dan Morris
11-25-2016, 10:48 AM
Any one else being inundated by emails??????????????Friend did some research and found it is Dudley Brown.......has his fingers in a jillion 'pro 2d' sites.
Be careful, he will slip a membership in if you are not watching! Guess this is his way of a pay check.

For those not blessed with Dudley, he has formed a jillion 2a organizations......all lead membership solicitations........so many he can't be doing much constructive.

Adam Helmer
11-25-2016, 12:15 PM

I have not yet received an email from this group. Is this Dudley guy legit or is it Spam? Should we not open any email from this Patriot Group?


Dan Morris
11-25-2016, 02:11 PM
Personally, I have him marked as junk.........try googling Dudley Brown and
make up- your own mind.....several of his groups have severed ties

I simply mark as junk and try to block

12-01-2016, 03:45 AM
Dan, this gomer used to be affiliated with Rocky Mountain Gun Owners; for all I know, he may still be. I've had him spamlisted for a while now.

Dan Morris
12-01-2016, 08:14 AM
LOL, only time they contact is when they want money......then the storm starts.He still operates out of Ft Collins, Now, there a dozen offshoots..cash cow!
I fell for it when he was Rocky Mountain Gun Owners......during that legislative debacle several years ago, a lot of folks started tacking a hard look at what does he do? Haven't found the answer to that.........just a heads up.