View Full Version : Moose Hunt and Rifle

04-15-2018, 07:21 PM
If all goes well in life, I hope in the coming years to make a trip to Canada for a Moose hunt. I have several rifles I could take, but I'm torn between two.

Either of which will work and really no excuses to whichever one I decide to take or not to take.

I toured the Heym factory in Gleichamberg a few years ago and ordered and picked up a Heym 26b O/U in the venerable 8x57 JRS. I've got some reloads working great in it and really like the compactness of it.

Picked up at Heym:


Looking good with reloads:


My other faithful rifle for out of country or trip hunts is a Blaser R93, of which I have several barrels in various calibers. I most likely would slap the 9,3x62 barrel on it and be a happy camper. Either that or the 300 WinMag barrel, of which has proven itself over and over.

I suspect when the time comes to pack I'll throw them both up to the shoulder and pack the one that feels 'right'.

Blaser R93 Pro, here with 9,3x62 barrel.


OK, this winter is dragging on and it's time for spring, as I look outside and see noghing but snow and ice, lol.


04-16-2018, 06:55 AM
Nice rifles!
Either caliber you mentioned ought to work just fine.

04-16-2018, 08:28 AM
moose are pretty weak compared to their size... Anything through the boiler room & they go down very quick.

My advice would depend on where you are hunting. Newfoundland is relatively flat, and a heavier rifle may not matter. In the Yukon you would want something lighter.

Calibers, anything from .30-06 & up would be more than enough. Generally the shots are not that long.

Adam Helmer
04-16-2018, 11:22 AM

Einer Gewehr ist ebenso gut wie ein andere. (Either rifle is as good as the other). I may never go for moose, but if I ever do I would take my Remington Classic .35 Whelen and 225 grain handloads.

Good hunting. Macht viel spass.


04-17-2018, 05:15 PM
Yupper, either one will be just fine. I'm leaning to the 8x57 although the Blaser R93 Pro is a very light compact rifle also. I'd have no reservations using either one, I shoot the 250gr Nosler Accubond in the 9,3x62, very accurate.

Adam, Beide Gewehr sind die Hammer!!

04-17-2018, 08:04 PM
post pics when you come back

06-11-2018, 07:11 PM
I agree, either will work on moose. Put it deep into the lungs and should be no problem. Shot one with my .280 rem, didn't go far.

06-30-2018, 04:20 PM
bought mine for a variety of critters. LOVE in (Browning A-Bolt w/BOSS)

so far have only had the opportunity to use it on pronghorns, whitetails and mulies (I've been skunked on 2 elk hunts). No issues out to 400 yrds