View Full Version : Who has gardens these days?

Adam Helmer
06-07-2018, 05:35 PM
Since 1996, I always had a 50' X 75' garden near the house which provided 10 or 12 rows of stuff. Beginning in 2010, I created another garden on the other side of the house that is 50' X 100'. Last year was a poor crop year due to too much rain early on. Today I finished planting the new garden. Hopefully, I will have much produce to share with my kin and friends at church.

Do any Hunt Chat folks plant gardens these days?


06-07-2018, 08:01 PM
i got potatos onions tomatos and peppers pumpkins and beens

06-08-2018, 06:09 PM
ours (was) a square foot garden. Raised 4x8 beds enclosed in a vinyl fence with rabbit guard wire.

Basically only contains the wife's lavender plants now. The Google Earth view of it makes it look like a cemetery!

06-15-2018, 08:21 AM
We are doing less gardening than we used to. Down to about 2 1/2 acres from around 5. But it is just my wife and I. This year however my daughter is living here part of the year...so we are doing a bit more. Corn Limas string wax peppers(5 varieties) tomatoes squash broccoli cabbage cukes watermelon punkin cantaloupe Some of this we sell at farmers markets and a local grocery store some is claimed by the local whitetails and wabbits(not too bad this year). @ years ago we had so many wabbits....I actually disposed of 86 in one day. More corn going in tomorrow...We seem to have a bumper crtop of apples thid year. as well as a large cherry crop especially for the small size of the trees on the cherries. Gardens are a lot of work here. We only get 4 1/2 inches of rain a year....so we have to irrigate even the trees and my wifes extensive flower crop. My wife will make at least a 120 quarts of tomato sauce and at least that many packages of frozen broccoli