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05-11-2002 12:15 AM

Captn 2k this Is your responsibility!

05-11-2002 01:27 AM

Yeah..........whaz up?
Ya run out of bbq sauce? :D

05-11-2002 05:57 AM

Sorry, been stalking....errr....BUSY I mean.....


05-23-2002 09:30 AM

Could this be.....
the END of an era? The Mother Ship is site appears to be GONE!!:eek: Us manBEEFERS are now men without country...or...diners without dinners. I don't know what to do......cry or go on a diet or cry while on a diet :confused:

It's a sad time.......:(


05-23-2002 11:53 AM

I got all the contacts I need :D :D :D

05-23-2002 01:36 PM


Is that contacts or corpes? Corpes are going for about 100G up here in the name of medical research. I suspect its Manbeefers!:eek:

Seadog 05-23-2002 02:25 PM

Y'all remind me of the old saying:
" Friends help you move,
real friends help you move the bodies!"

With this many entries, maybe there ought to be a "ManBEEF" forum, for recipes and such. Maybe do an analysis on the calories and colesterol of ManBEEF vs. beef and pork.
Is free-range ManBEEF better than city-bred ManBEEF?
Setup some hunting regulations.

05-23-2002 03:41 PM

Hunting Regs for MANbeef??????? That is as bad as saying gun control in a room full of NRA lifetime members!!! City dwellers don't taste as wild and gamey as mountain dwellers...

05-23-2002 07:13 PM

Surely Captain you wouldn't oppose reasonable and safe regulations on owning manbeef...

at the very least do it for the children... :D

Mad Reloader 05-24-2002 12:21 AM

Mmmmm! Beefy!
As long as we're in this vein, here's a couple suggestions for those of you REALLY into this kind of Bad Craziness.

"Glagnar's Human RInds"--salty snack from the Futurama TV show (Munch a bunch a crunch of human!)

Classic tale of Horror (and ManBeef!)-- The Picture in the House, by H.P. Lovecraft.

For historians -- Anything about the Donner Party!

Film aficionados--Silence of the Lambs, of course (Fava beans?)

Bone Appetit!

05-24-2002 08:10 AM

Suggest a 5 day waiting period before Manbeef can be consumed.(Skinny Bill)

Suggest correct educational seminars be manditory on the correct, ethical, and safe way to prepare and store Manbeef.(Treedoc Law)

Broucher included in every package of Manbeef outlining in detail the correct way to eat Manbeef without offending any person within a five mile radius of where the Manbeef is being consumed.(captain2k_ca Bill)

A warning label should be included on every package of Manbeef sold stating that "Before consumption insure that all brouchures should be read and if you do not have one you can get them free from Manbeef central.(Muledeer Law)

Skinny Shooter 06-07-2002 10:10 PM

You should see the "new" and "improved: site.


I can't believe you guys keep resurrecting this thread. :D

muledeer 06-11-2002 11:39 PM

Yes we're back!!!!!
The Beef!! The ManBEEF;) We're stronger than before. We are back on schedule! Despite the delay ,consumption has not decreased. That's all for now.

Captn C 06-12-2002 11:05 AM

Where's the beef?
I can't seem to access the site, is the addy still good?

Not that I would want to infect A/C with (which some one almost did:eek: ).:D :D

I wanted to show some buddies. I just can't seem to get it to load.

TreeDoc 06-12-2002 03:23 PM

Yeah surrrre!
You want to show some frrrrriends? Sounds to me like somebody needs to place another order! :eek: :D

A couple a few weeks ago I tried to access the friends wanted to see it.....yeah, that's it....friends............anyway, it wouldn't come up. Just the other day it worked though......not that I wanted to know or know......


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