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Captn C 06-12-2002 04:06 PM


muledeer 06-20-2002 11:39 PM

Just so U know
Skinny went undercover as a vegen. Only the CEO and Board of Directors of ManBeef were in on this undercover plot. Unfortunately, Skinny had to be pulled from this mission. Seems the veggies wrecked havoc on his gigantus rectusamus. Dr. Dork, a proctologist and member of ManBeef, was able to bring relief to ManBeefer Skinny. Dr. Dork is still trying to remember where he left his rubber glove. Poor Skinny:(

Mad Reloader 07-07-2002 08:05 PM

Gentlemen, ManBeefers, and all--
This thread is coming DANGEROUSLY close to dropping off!

Decided to post one to keep it alive, for the sake of Bad Craziness! :D

Anybody up for a thread about SeaChicken? The other other white meat? (Kehaar! Keharr!)

Mmmm, Jonathon Livingston Seagull!

Back to Mr. ManBeef! & the rest--

FromBearCreek 07-07-2002 09:22 PM

Can't let a near-immortal thread die just from lack of attention, eh?


Skinny Shooter 07-07-2002 09:44 PM

Re: Just so U know

Originally posted by muledeer
Skinny went undercover as a vegen. Only the CEO and Board of Directors of ManBeef were in on this undercover plot. Unfortunately, Skinny had to be pulled from this mission. Seems the veggies wrecked havoc on his gigantus rectusamus. Dr. Dork, a proctologist and member of ManBeef, was able to bring relief to ManBeefer Skinny. Dr. Dork is still trying to remember where he left his rubber glove. Poor Skinny:(

How did I miss this one? :D

hehe, MD, you just have to brag, don't ya? :D:D:D


captain2k_ca 07-08-2002 06:48 PM

I just been working alot lately and have been busy :)

MANbeef will never die!

Skinny Shooter 07-08-2002 07:12 PM

MD, you should see what happens when I break wind... :D

Seadog 07-09-2002 10:41 AM

Don't recall anyone addressing the important topic of what to drink with ManBEEF. Red wine, white wine or Bud? We gotta know - Labor day is comin'! (Must be ready for the big cookout.)

Rocky Raab 07-09-2002 12:26 PM

That easy...just match the brew to the, um, "guest." Depending on the source of the meal, you might drink Bud, or Miller, or Busch. I doubt if you'd find a "guest of honor" named Cabernet or Chablis, though. Although Wild Rose is possible...

captain2k_ca 07-09-2002 12:27 PM

To tell the truth, almost anything goes well with MANbeef.....from your most expensive exquisite wines, to your cheapest redneck beer. Even grandpas "hooch" can be an acceptable alternative....and kool-aid for the kiddies!!

muledeer 07-09-2002 02:09 PM

What to drink?
I prefer a Corona with my ManBeef with a touch of lime:D
Skinny, I don't even want to witness that gaseous event:eek:

Skinny Shooter 07-09-2002 06:33 PM

I'm surprised you didn't remember plain ol Beefeater. That packs a punch. :D

muledeer 07-12-2002 01:07 AM

Back to the top of the list. Couldn't let this fall too far behind.

captain2k_ca 07-16-2002 06:43 PM

I am so hungry right now I could eat a friend!!!!!

muledeer 07-17-2002 12:29 AM

Well who's hosting the next Bar-B-Q. I had one, so did Skinny and Tree Doc. Time for another, so who's next? I mean whoooo's next:D :D

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