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Mad Reloader 07-17-2002 01:00 AM

How about a Celebrity Roast? I think the President of the Sierra club would be good :p

(Of course, we'll need cricket bats and Louisville sluggers for the tenderizing process--the HuntChat ladies can "Rochambeau" the nether regions if they want to help out)

Right, Nulle? ;)

muledeer 07-20-2002 12:05 AM

Celebrity Roast?
Well I suppose it's up to Mark and Rocky. They are the Celebrities Might be too hot for them:D Hey Rocky, could always douse you with "Coronas" :D

muledeer 08-11-2002 06:22 PM

Man, I'm getting hungry!
It's time for a ManBeef party! Who's going to be the host? Not me, and I'm not going to be the "guest of honor"! Skinny, Doc, Capt'n, anyone?:D

muledeer 08-16-2002 12:41 AM

Yah need to keep the forum moven' Maybe a Bar-B Q is in order.

TreeDoc 08-16-2002 01:41 AM

I'm in....
After all that computer log in trouble I kind of worked up an appetite. I gotta hankerin' for some manBEEF! ;)

captain2k_ca 08-16-2002 02:36 AM

Don't worry guys, its not like I am on a diet or sumthin :eek:

buckhunter 08-16-2002 08:22 AM

Man I gotta go cook up some Manbacon. I getting hungry. They maybe some scrambled brain. Ta Ta for now. Breakfast is calling.

Seadog 08-16-2002 08:58 AM

Wonder if there's been any disappearances around the Hormel plant? The way that stuff tastes, who's to know? :D

If Mad Cow Disease spreads, it could be a good time to invest in ManBEEF!

Ya'll ever wonder about the guy who first said: "You are what you eat"? Must have been an early manBEEFer. :rolleyes:

Seadog 08-20-2002 11:49 AM

Wow! After reading that vitriolic letter to America from the Lone Canadian (what the heck is his problem, anyway?), I'm wondering if ManBEEF could use a new entre - Canadian Bacon.
Not to say anything bad about the majority of Canucks - I've got some good friends north of the border. This one jerk just has me steamed . . . uh, mad. Wonder if he's brain fried? "Mmmmmm . . .fried bacon!"

muledeer 10-03-2002 09:50 PM

The resurrection
Manbeef is back after a short vacation. Marrow is natures creme filling (heard that somewhere):p Partytime:D I vote that GB be the next guest of honor:D

TreeDoc 10-04-2002 12:53 AM

You know mule...
...I'm glad you did this....there are a lot of newbies here that haven't had the opportunity to embibe in one of our HuntChat BBQ's. Fire up the coals dude and I'll bring the manBEEF!

Hey, Captain2pok our infamous Bush Man Moderator has been gone for a 'sposin he got himself ate up? :confused:

Seadog 10-04-2002 11:19 AM

The coming Holiday Season . . .
With Hunting season getting underway, and the coming Holidays, we should see an increase of interest in ManBEEF. "Take an Anti hunting!" Let 'em see a new perspective on the hunting issue, from Bambi's point of view. :p

Make it sporting. Use one of those new .17 Hummers! They say it keeps the hide intact. ;)

DaMadman 10-04-2002 01:16 PM

OK How Many pages is this thread for real. It looks like 6 and then when I go into it, it looks like it is 18 pages long.

Bring it Back to the Top

DaMadman 10-04-2002 03:14 PM

I keep getting that the host could not be found. Is the site still up, is anyone else able to get to it or is it just me that is having a problem

Seadog 10-04-2002 03:35 PM

I get the "page cannot be displayed" error message. :(

Do we assume ManBEEF is no longer being served? :rolleyes:

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