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fabsroman 04-02-2005 09:26 AM

Good luck trying to sue a judge. If that were the case, everybody would sue judges. If your ex got caught driving drunk only once, that is usually overlooked as a mistake. If he has been caught several times, then his drinking is considered a problem. What did he blow when he got pulled over? There is a huge difference between a .08 and a .33, and I just had a client blow a .33 when he got pulled over earlier this month.

Alcohol is a problem that society faces and they tried to make it illegal back in the 1930's. That didn't go over too well. Personally, I never touch the stuff. I have noticed that a lot of my clients' criminal problems are the result of alcohol. Most people just do not know how to drink responsibly.

Lilred, I hope your ex doesn't drink and drive and that he curbs his drinking when he has his son around him, but I know my father drank and drove all the time, and a lot of the time with us in the car after parties. To this day, I think he is the greatest guy on Earth, he is my best buddy, and I love him to death. However, my decision not to drink ever was probably a result of seeing him drink when I was growing up and then seeing my brother start drinking at the age of 14 when I was only 15.

Valigator 04-05-2005 09:23 PM

Fabs your about gettin on my last nerve.....I can tell you that because I consider you my friend........somethings in this world dont need to be as complicated as you try to make them...before I proceed you pretty much know where I stand on the death penalty as most people here do.......and I'm not here to convert by the way...its a personal issue as is Terri Schivo as to our feelings about that issue.....all I will tell you is there are some people walkin around who do nothin but bring pain and heartache to rest of mankind....these people need to be taken not all life is precious....those who think that, need to look at examples of babies being brought into this world for no other purpose than to be targets of other peoples sadistic would have been a gift from God not to have experienced those horrors.....and not to have been brought into this world....Terri did not suffer in her final days and the people here talking about cracked lips and starving have not been there...I stayed away from this because quite honestly...I didnt want to get into this fight...but you forced me...that woman who chose to have such blatnant disregard for her own body while she was in a loving caring relationship abused it to the point that we as strangers are making her somehow immortal. So much for all know what I mean when we talk about ...after sucking up the lives of her husband and family who obviously stepped up to the plate for years finally came to blows, because lets face it...the parents arent gonna let go of their child....and lets not leave out the important issue that the state was funding her care...that settlement ...who by the way...was a shaft to the payee in the first place....ran out a while was not an issue here....there was no real money distributed to either the parents or the husband...for personal use...I digress....she died a morphine death...and for those of you out there who are not familiar...I can tell you besides standing on a street corner and dropping dead in 4 the best way to go....was she hungry...NO...was she in Pain ....NO....did she have cracked lips and lay in her own urine...No......she died the way most of us would wish to go....when the decision was finally made....I took my mother from diagnosis to grave in three months....she died a morphine death....the last throws of death is not a pretty site but hey....pray most of you go that way....

fabsroman 04-06-2005 12:39 AM


As far as the death penalty is concerned, I am all for it. I think it needs to be in place to deter crime and I completely agree that some people do not deserve to live. It is just that lately, science has been able to prove that some condemned men were innocent and then I saw the Florida doctor case where bad science put him behind bars. Granted, they eventually fixed the situation, but he lost two yeas of his life in jail. I just have night mares of something like that happening to me.

If you look at my last post on the Schindler list thread, you will see that I questioned whether or not morphine was administered. I had thought it was, but Foto said it wasn't.

"...while she was in a loving caring relationship..."

Okay, what facts do you have to show that Michael and Terri were in a loving and caring relationship?

I asked Foto if he was sure about the morphine and I asked Classic if he was sure about the 10 million dollar offer to Michael. Classic hasn't given me a source yet even though it has been over a day and I think he posted after I asked the question. With Foto, the question was just posted minutes ago.

I'm an attorney, I live for facts. I had a trial last week where my client was charged with disorderly conduct and 4 counts of second degree assault, three of which were against police officers. The state gave me a great deal and I told my client to take it. He maintained that he was innocent, but I told him that his word against that of 3 LEO's wouldn't carry much weight. The more I think about it, the more I think he was innocent. The officers gave him a pretty good deal and I saw what he looked like after the alleged assault. He had a broken nose, bruises all over his back, and a bruise/cut on his head that was the result of a flashlight to the head and which required 8 stitches. At the end of the day, I told him it was all about what we could prove. At the beginning of the case, I told him that we needed video footage or a disinterested witness to show he was innocent, but we never could come up with either. Anyway, I digress.

We can all say what we want to on here, but what I am looking for is facts.

As far as money is concerned, I think it was an issue at the beginning and I recently read an article with my own eyes that stated Michael was going to get between $40,000 and $50,000 that was left over from the trust. So, there must have been some money left over.

Now, I have heard that Michael didn't raise the issue of Terri wanting to die until as soon as 3 and as late as 7 years after she fell into this vegetative state. If that is the case, I don't know how anybody could believe a word that comes out of his mouth. Then again, maybe it took him 3 to 7 years to come to terms with the fact that his wife would never be getting better. Then again, he seemed to come to terms with it even sooner because he started living with another women within two years, or was it that he had a child with another woman within two years. I need to make myself a fact sheet on this one along with a timeline.

As far as discussing this topic and others, I agree that we all have our opinions, and I debate things with my friends, family, and fiance all the time. Imagine that, I like to debate things. You would think I am an attorney. LOL

Lilred 04-06-2005 08:56 PM

Well..I tried to stay offa that Terri Schivo er however you spell it subject..but what the hell, you only live

I reckon I aint exactly scientific..nor I am all Godly and I dont say "Jesus is Lord" every time I answer the phone. I do believe in the Lord..dont git me wrong. But when it comes to the human bein..I do believe..that nobody, nor any machine, can measure what a person is feelin, nor thinkin. I'm not sayin she felt even that she was capable of thinkin anythin. But there aint a soul on this earth..even with the brain wave scanners and all that fancy crap..can prove to anyone..that she was or was not able to think to fer that matter..felt anything. Well..before she was drugged anyways. I agree w/ Val..a "morphine" death is probaly the best way to end such tragic things. At least towards the end..she didnt feel anythin.
But those 15 yrs..caint nobody tell me that w/o the help of drugs and the like, that it was impossible fer her to think er even react. At least on the inside. Maybe she couldn't..but most importantly, maybe she could.

Who knows why the things went the way they did w/ the one will ever know. Those are secrets that will go with that man to his grave..and there aint no sense in pickin it apart. I know I have discussed my "wishes" w/ my husband, in casual talk mostly..but who really discusses that sort of thing w/ their parents?? Not me..and I'm sure most of you dont..hence..the secret he will always carry..wether he told the truth er not. As Val said...with the parents, it aint nuthin but natural instinct to want her to live. I put myself in both the husband's shoes and the parent's shoes...and frankly, it would probaly be the mental end fer me to have to be either of them.

Put yerself in his shoes, and be frankly and truly honest w/ yerself. Would YOU sit in a hospital for 15 years w/ your spouse who was like that? Could you? At some point, would life have to go on?
I think that iffin he was itchin fer money..I think he would have pursued this matter fore now. Hard to tell fact from fiction with all these "reports".
As far as the parents go, she could have breathed to the left..and they would have thought it was a sign. Maybe it was. a parent..that's how it is. I think most parents here would agree..that a parent that loves their child..would fight to their own death to see their child live. Human nature.

This thing crosses so many moral and religous lines..that the arguement will probaly go on ferever. But..wether yer Christian er not..we can all agree that at least she aint sufferin no more.
Facts and figures will never set this straight Fabs..sorry honey..cause until you are sittin in that cold white room, lookin down on the indifferent face of your spouse or child..for years and nor I could not fatham the burden nor the responsibility of such things. Set that aside from the heartache..and it all blends together into a darkness that you couldnt define by facts, dr's reports, money or anything you can touch with your hands on this earth.

fabsroman 04-06-2005 10:14 PM

Well put Lilred.

I am looking for facts for the same reason you put reports in quotations. That is because you don't believe any of the reports. I pretty much don't either.

At the end of the day, a Judge made a decision and that decision was supposed to be based upon facts. That is what I am after. I want to try to figure out what was going on. Why did he believe Schiavo over the Schindlers? What was said in Court? What was the money situation?

As far as being in their shoes, I know it is tough. As far as telling your husband what your wishes are, you had better put them in writing and hand copies out to several different people. My fiance and I are going to do all that once we get married. Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Health Care Directives. Of course, it is easier for us to do that stuff because I will be drafting all of it up.

Lilred 04-07-2005 05:53 PM

Oh, I wish I could find out what went on in that courtroom too..just fer the sheer curiosity of it.
Aint it true that the spouse has more than anyone else? Myabe it was based on that.

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