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MacD37 11-02-2006 08:53 AM


Originally posted by Adam Helmer

I can only direct the question to the PA Game Commission who in their wisdom decreed such a rule.

Perhaps if one is "doubled balled" it may be prudent to touch off the load before the "Bunny Cop" checks the hunter out.


......................AMAZEING Interesting thought process!:rolleyes:

Adam Helmer 11-07-2006 04:02 PM


What is amazing about the thought process?

First, I do not advocate breaking any game law. I have provided input to the PA Game Commission and there were LAW changes effected, to wit: the use of conical bullets in the Traditional Muzzleloader deer season that went into effect several years ago. Prior to the law change, only "patched roundball" was legal.

Now, IF a person has a "double ball load", and speaking hypothetically, the arm were discharged before it was determined the gun was, in fact, double balled, where is the evidence?

I find it odd, under current PA Game Law a 280 grain .45 caliber conical bullet is legal, but a double ball load weighing 260 grains would not be legal. Well, one can debate the point or "touch off" whatever load is in the .45 flinter and let the matter rest until more sensible regulations pass.

Keep posting as you do have good input here.


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