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06-29-2001 08:44 PM

Ol' Muledeer...........
You just can't stand it can ya? This site beckons you! You can't bear to look, yet you just gotta peek a teensy bit! :D It's got a hold of you now, you are now at one with............. the BEEF! :eek:

06-29-2001 10:16 PM

So who is gonna donate their body for the grinder?? Burgers anyone?

ParrotHead 06-29-2001 10:20 PM

Only on the net would you find something this dis-tasteful!

"Honey, could you pass me some more of that Leg-a-Man"


Snake_Eye 06-30-2001 07:47 PM

You know I've always heard that hotdogs and such were made out of lips and a-holes. I sure wouldn't want to try any of their ground meat products.

06-30-2001 09:12 PM

You're the ONE!!!!
You know Snake_Eye, you're the one that started this whole manBEEF thing! :eek: It just won't die! It's your fault that I have become a Cannibal to muledeer and taters! You owe me a manBEEF T-Shirt and Hat. :D

West 06-30-2001 10:48 PM

I read just a few mounths ago about humen meat being sold as freash meat in Asia or about. The meat came from a prison or alike, I think. Any way, I often wonder about websites, tv, advertisment, and the medias outragious unmoral showcasing of such things, allmost like thay are numming our morals for such real things to happen and be commen place in the near future. Like Buffy the vanpire slyer.
BTW, there is a website that has also has great recipes for humen meat, I found acidently looking for survival sites back in 1999.

Of coarse this is just my opinion.

Eat a vegertarian, save a cow, he,he,.......


07-01-2001 04:05 PM

Yah Snake_Eye
The only way to stop Cannibal Doc is to bribe him with a shirt and hat. Here's what you do. Get Tree Docs home address and then go to the Manbeef web site and order the shirt and hat COD to Docs address. See where this is going. Now Manbeef will know where Doc lives. From Docs pig picture I'd say he's "Prime Doc" :D

[Edited by muledeer on 07-01-2001 at 06:07 PM]

07-01-2001 05:51 PM

Ay Carumba!!
:eek: Hey...hey....hey! I got Guns!......lot's o' guns! You manBEEF types better stay away!!!!


07-03-2001 12:44 AM

Nevada to Doc!
Bring them arms to the gun state! Get your CCW to fend off them manBEEF types. Hey check "Close Encounters" post. You must have seen something while flying. Maybe a modified Hoover or Kirby, Spam or Condor?

[Edited by muledeer on 07-02-2001 at 10:54 PM]

07-03-2001 12:51 AM

Got It!
Pretty much have that CCW thing covered. Is Nevada the state I should be in?? My wife mentioned some family friends have been going to your town for a lot of years on hunting trips. What's it like in NV?

07-03-2001 01:16 AM

Love it here. No state income tax, no inheritance tax, no estate tax, no corporate tax. Four seasons, pro-gun state. Everyone hunts or fishes, most both. Sierra Nevada Mountains to the West, high desert to the East. Deer, Elk, Upland birds (Chukar), Quail, Dove, Sage hen, Ducks, Geese.
You can have an easy rider rifle rack in your truck loaded with rifles, no problem. No gun permits required. M-14s (M1A) AR-15's all day long. No gun restrictions! A 24 hour town. Gambling and entertaintment. Great fishing in the Truckee River (runs through Reno). Many lakes in Nevada and Kalif within 1 hr. drive or less. Friendly people. What else do you want to know? Hey I sell houses! Could use a big Kalifornia commission.

07-03-2001 01:32 AM

Sounds to good!
Any trees over there? I gotta business to run! How 'bout schools? The wife's a teacher with a California Credential. Maybe I could become a professional bum....Uhhh, I mean, Hunter and Fisherman, and just have dinner on the table when the wife gets home!!!! :D

There IS a manBEEF distribution center isn't there? :p

07-04-2001 12:44 AM

Yes Doc Yes
Trees in the Sierras. Kalif has the Kalif poppy as the state flower. Ya know what Nevada's state flower is? Sagebrush!:rolleyes: Good schools and lots of them. As for a Manbeef distribution center the Mustang ranch closed but we do have the Moonlight ranch and the Kit Kat ranch that deal in flesh.:cool: Also easy access to I-80, rail service, and International airport.

07-04-2001 01:40 AM

Mustang Ranch Closed???
Hey, I thought the IRS took that place over and was planning to make it profitable again. After all, they are in the business of SCREWIN' people!! :D

07-17-2001 10:59 PM

Need to start this tread over for all the "Recent Members" soon to be dismembered. :eek:

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