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mazter 06-11-2003 07:34 PM

Can you get any meat off a Vegan ?? :D

muledeer 06-19-2003 02:07 PM

You mean like from a "Skinny" shooter ? I suppose you can but I'll bet it tastes like bad squash :eek:

mazter 06-24-2003 11:08 AM

The meat off of a "Skinny"Shooter does taste bad, but not 1/2 as bad as Wallmart's Hamburger. Vegan's dont have blood in their vein's, I think its Tofu. That explain's the bad taste. No blood , No taste.:D So make sure you add alot of spice's when preparing that Vegan ManBeef.;)

BenD 07-10-2003 02:56 PM

is the site still working?

Mad Reloader 07-10-2003 08:22 PM

Going to go check it out. Failing that, will call my lady friend Smooth&Deadly (Ms. ManBeef to you!) and have her start a NEW web page for MANbeef if it comes down to it.

Oh, the Lord of the Rings has a pro-MANbeef spot in it. That one scene where the wizard Saruman tells his army of Uruk-Hai Orcs,

"You will taste Man-Flesh!"

& they all cheer.

Edited to add:

Site's still down. Rats!

TreeDoc 07-10-2003 08:51 PM

The site no longer exists...
because it was said to all be a complete hoax! :(


We'll let all those non-believers think that it was. After all, what's important is that we know the truth......right muledeer? ;)

Mmmmmwwahahahahahaha! :D

muledeer 07-10-2003 09:20 PM

Right Doc!!
Over, Skinny.

captain2k_ca 07-11-2003 12:04 PM

A hoax...yup thats it...its all a hoax....yup......

Skinny Shooter 07-11-2003 12:46 PM

Whew, I'm glad it's all OVER...


TreeDoc 07-11-2003 03:21 PM

Over? Oh no...........
it's just BEGINNING!!!! :eek:

Skinny Shooter 07-11-2003 03:53 PM


We came,
We saw
We tasted
We withdrew... :D

GoodOlBoy 07-11-2003 04:02 PM

But at least ya didn't inhale!


Mad Reloader 07-11-2003 07:11 PM

Time for TMR's Literary List of MANbeef references:

"A Modest Proposal", by Jonathan Swift. A compelling pro-ManBeef argument!

"Lord of the Rings," by J.R.R. Tolkein. You gotta love those Uruk-Hai Orcs of the White Hand! ;)

"The Picture in the House" by Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Best ManBeef short story ever! JMHO here....:rolleyes:

"The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells. Since I mentioned Orcs...Equal time for Morlocks! Right, Darkwolf???

mazter 07-12-2003 10:48 PM

I have a whole left over case of ManBeef, Just sitting in the Freezer. Im glad i stocked up on it.

And I bet Klinton did inhale.:D

Skinny Shooter 08-26-2003 08:10 PM

I'm surprised no one has bumped this lately. Frankly I'm glad it hasn't been... ;)


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